Plate Fete

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Simple Brûléed Grapefruit

I decided to choose one word as my mantra for this year.  My one-word philosophy for 2015 is “satisfaction.”  I chose this word because I want to identify where my satisfaction is coming from and how often I would consider myself to be truly satisfied. 

I have some wonderful people in my life.  I have clean water and I have never had to go without a meal.  

I have never gone without anything I truly needed and yet I have been dissatisfied with my life more times than I would like to admit.  

I want to find satisfaction where I am.  I do not believe that it is something I need to search for - I just need to take the time to notice it.  

I believe that a lot of the discontentment I face is derived from overcomplicating my life.  Our lives are very often the opposite of simple, and when life is tangled it is so much harder to find satisfaction.  

Unfortunately, most of our lives are perpetually complicated and they often have to be, but I do believe there are some things we can do to simplify. 

Breakfast is a wonderful time for self-examination.  I have been trying to wake up a little earlier so that I can sit down and eat breakfast before rushing out the door.  

This breakfast is simple and satisfying.  Perhaps it is satisfying because it is simple.

This recipe has three ingredients.  We do not need to complicate a fruit which is already so perfect.  

Sugar for sweetness, salt for balance, caramelization to add depth.  We are done here. 

I am trying to find ways to simplify my life and appreciate what I have.  I want to clear away the clutter and find the things that truly mean something to me.  

Take a few moments for a weekday breakfast, it is a simple endeavor but one that brings refreshment. 


  Pedantic Foodie


Simple Brûléed Grapefruit

serves 2 

  • 1 large grapefruit 
  • 1 1/2 tablespoons granulated sugar 
  • sea salt 
  • blow-torch

Slice grapefruit in half and use a shape paring knife to go around the edge of each segment, pulling it away from the membrane. 

Sprinkle half of the sugar over the surface of each grapefruit half.  

Using a blow-torch, brulee the sugar until it is deep golden brown.  Sprinkle lightly with sea salt before the sugar sets.

Serve immediately.  Enjoy!