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{Thirsty Friday} Mango Rum & Mint Limeade Slushie

Once upon a time I was in Southeast Asia, and I discovered the luxury of eating multiple mangos every single day.  We had them for breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks, and I gawked with envy as we bought three of the ripe, blushing fruits for less than a dollar.

Sadly, I couldn't take a mango tree back home with me, so I returned to my little section of the world where these beloved fruits come at a much higher price, but are nonetheless delicious.  Especially when we turn them into slushies…oh my goodness.

I'm out of control with the slushie game this Summer - it's not a cry for help as much as a request for more paper straws.

The silky texture of the mango is perfect for creating smooth, perfectly-thickened slushies that will whisk you away from your annoying long to-do list and to a personal island where every day is Friday and stress stops at the shore. 

Okay, maybe I can't promise all of that, but if you need some help cooling down after a stressful week, this slushie is your new best friend. 

So here we go!  Frozen mango, ginger beer - the strong, spicy stuff, please, and rum extract - blended until silky smooth.

Maybe you turn your nose up to the thought of rum extract, but I kind of love it because it provides a whole lot of that rich, buttery, rum flavor while still keeping our slushie appropriate for early afternoon sipping and the youngest of palates.

This is our first layer.

Next we combine tart lime juice with a simple mint syrup, sparkling water, and a good handful of ice, and let the blender do her thing.  

This is a layered slushie that doesn't layer perfectly because the mango Slushie is slightly less viscous than the mint limeade layer - but it's Friday and refreshment is more essential than perfectly even layers.

The slushies are layered and garnishes are prepared.

I love how vibrant and colorful food is during the Summer.  It's just so cheery.

I hope your weekend is filled with relaxing afternoons and third and fourth refills.  

Happy Friday, friends!


  Pedantic Foodie

Mango Rum & Mint Limeade Slushie

serves 4

for the mint syrup

  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 cup water 
  • 1/2 cup mint leaves, torn 

In a small bowl combine sugar and mint leaves.  Use the tines of a fork to press the mint into the sugar.  Allow to sit for about 15 minutes so that the oils from the mint can permeate the sugar. 

In a small saucepan combine mint sugar and water and place over medium high heat.  Stirring often, cook until the sugar has dissolved and a light syrup has come together, about 5-7 minutes.

Remove from heat and allow to cool while you prepare the remaining components. 

for the mango rum slushie

  • 1 medium, ripe mango, peeled and cubed
  • 1/2 teaspoon imitation rum extract 
  • 1 cup ice 
  • 3/4 cup ginger beer

Spread the cubed mango out unto a baking sheet lined with parchment and place in the freezer for 1-2 hours, until frozen solid. 

In the pitcher of your blender, combine frozen mango, rum extract, ice, and ginger beer.  Pulse until smooth. 

for the mint limeade slushie

  • mint syrup
  • 1/2 cup freshly squeezed lime juice 
  • 2 cups ice 
  • 1/2 cup sparkling water 

Combine all ingredients in the pitcher of your blender and pulse until smooth.  


  • fresh mint and lime wedges, for garnish

Layer the slushies in glass, adding the mango layer first and then the mint limeade.  Garnish with fresh mint and a slice of lime and serve immediately with cute straws and fun friends.  Enjoy!