Plate Fete

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There are so many good movies coming out in the next couple of weeks.  I am so excited about this one and, of course, I have to be stoked for Ragnarok.  Our lives basically shut down for Marvel movie premiers. 

Don't hate me, but I have already started making my Christmas lists and I am planning on ordering our cards as soon as we get back home.  I cannot help myself.  I might have even packed us Christmas sweaters so we could get the perfect "card shot" this week. 

This watch is currently at the top of my wish list, along with this lip polish.  Basically, I'll take anything sparkly.  I am really just waiting for Wusthof and Swarovski to do a collaboration.

We have company on a pretty regular basis, but I know that it will become even more frequent now that the holidays are nearly upon us, and it has got me thinking about shoes.  Most people take their shoes off when the come over to my house without being prompted.  If they do not, however, I start to panic.  Aside from our kitchen, laundry room, and bathrooms, Norywk Manor has wall to wall carpet so I prefer to maintain a no-shoes household.  However, I myself do not always like taking my shoes off when I go visiting.  I know, hypocrite alert.  Sometimes my feet are cold, sometimes my socks do not match my outfit, sometimes I have a hole in the shoe-covered area of my purple tights.  These are problems.  Needless to say, a great amount of anxiety wells up inside of me when the topic of "shoes or no shoes" arises.  This year, in order to make my guests comfortable while also maintaining my carpets, I am toying with the idea of having a sock basket at my front door.  Cozy, clean, lavender-scented socks for my guests to slip on when they enter.  I feel like this would dissipate all the feet-related anxieties I myself know all too well.  What do you think?  Just the thought is giving me all kinds of Martha vibes. 

I am still very much enjoying this kombucha phase.  Mr. Pedantic calls it my breakfast wine and I kind of love that.  Still leaning heavily on the humm brand.  The coconut lime and apple berry flavors are my favorites. 

As we eek into holiday recipe season, I would love to hear from you all what you are looking for.  More side dishes?  New pie recipes?  My favorite ways to use leftovers?  Tell me whatcha need! 

If you are into making your own Halloween candy these caramels will definitely earn you some street cred.  I am toying with the idea of making popcorn balls this year.  I remembering LOVING them as a kid, but I feel like they might be less enchanting now.  I have already been down the homemade candy corn train and after three failed attempts I am one hundred percent over it.  

Happy, happy weekend!


Pedantic Foodie

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