Plate Fete

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Hey there!  It's Friday, even though my brain continues to tell me otherwise.  The internet is quiet right now as we try to wrap our minds around the fact that Christmas is over and 2017 is quickly approaching its close.  The trash cans are still full of wrapping paper, the empty stockings hang placidly, and the looming question of "when do I take down the Christmas tree" hangs upon the air.  I keep thinking that I should be on break this week, and the fact that work and life goes on is nearly inconceivable to the part of my brain that is perpetually on a school calendar.  I miss my routine, but at the same time, I have not been able to fully dive back in.  It is a wonderfully cozy, yet peculiar time.  So, I pour myself another cup of tea, grab a somewhat stale sugar cookie, and continue to contemplate this ever-puzzling time of the year.

I hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas.  This was one of my favorite years to date.  It felt so magical.  For whatever reason, the kind of dazzling anticipation that I used to know returned and I savored every moment.  I have given the house an after-Christmas facelift by reorganizing many cabinets and corners that had become cluttered in all the excitement and busyness of the season.  Most of the gifts have now found homes in various spots throughout the house, but the majority of our decorations are still up and I cannot bear to part with them quite yet.  

Let's chat. 

This salad is everything I am craving right now.  Well, that, and this chicken parmesan.  

I loved this little peek into the celebs Christmas festivities.  That You've Got Mail-themed dinner seriously made my heart do backflips.  I am losing my mind over this menu.  My favorite movie of all time.  

I am interested in jumping on this better home bandwagon, but, at the same time, I feel like it might be a little too much pressure.  I often start out wiping down my countertops only to end up rearranging our entire bedroom closet.  I have a hard time stopping myself once I get in the cleaning headspace, and, as much as I love an organized house, I want to do more than clean in January. 

Have you decided upon your resolutions for this coming year?  Do you make resolutions?  I am more of a goal-setter.  This year I have made a list of things, both personal and professional, that I want to adjust or accomplish.  While I considered one of these vision boards, the whole thing felt entirely too much like scrapbooking for my liking. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


Pedantic Foodie