Plate Fete

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Hey!  Hey!  Hey! 

It’s that time again.  The time to find the coolest, flowiest clothes you own, stock up on popsicles, and sweep your patio because it is the weekend and we have to celebrate. 

When in the middle of an inevitably torrid Virginia July, celebrating has to be low key.  It is far too blistering for putting forth any effort beyond licking something sweet and frozen or lifting a chilled glass to your lips.  What I am trying to say is that it’s really, really hot.

Nonetheless, my charming husband and I will be galavanting around in the heat this weekend because we have a shopping trip planned and I am fearless when there is a Crate & Barrel in sight and a promise of cheesecake at the end. 

There are still so many things on my summer “to make” list and it is constantly expanding.  Cherry brown butter bars will likely be happening this weekend because I was a little ambitious with my produce haul this week and I have a fridge full of cherries just itching to be smothered in some sort of pastry.  Fried goat cheese with honey and black pepper anyone? While the ground chicken thing would typically turn me off, these have been calling my name for weeks.  Oh, and then there is this tomato and fried provolone sandwich that I would really just like to eat every day for the rest of the summer. 

In other news, I made banana pudding last night because it is really the quintessential summer dessert - the kind of thing you make standing barefoot in the kitchen and frequently leaning backwards to avoid the steam as you stir the custard.  It is simple, and homey, and I have never met a soul that did not have some degree of affection for its sweet, crooked layers. 

Did you buy anything on Amazon Prime day?  More specifically, did you buy an Instant Pot?  I am not sure I quite understand its usefulness, but I found myself hovering over the “Buy Now” button Tuesday afternoon.  I resisted, for now.  If you happen to be an Instant Pot zealot, can you tell me why I need one and how it can improve my life besides acting as a glorified rice cooker? 

What I really want is to know your favorite grocery store popsicle.  I am a Rocket Pop lady myself. 

Um, apparently we are wearing pizza shoes now.  Cool, cool. 

What is on the books in your life this weekend?  Sometimes the best answer is "nothing!" with "ice cream” in parenthesis. 

Happy days to you and yours!


Pedantic Foodie