Plate Fete

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We met with another snow storm this week and I am relishing these cozy, productive, stay-at-home days.  This year, I was determined to resist the winter blues.  I tried to be intentional about arming myself with healthy habits that would keep me joyful and motivated.  And guess what?  I never remember having so much joy throughout any winter.  I believe much of it is due to my getting up so early.  The alarm rings at 4:30am, which is painful at times, but it means I am able to actually take the morning slow.  I can sip my tea rather than gulp it, and maybe knit a bit while I wait for the sun to show her face.  Beginning with such calming rituals sets a delightful tone for the rest of the day. 

How absolutely adorable is this dutch oven?

Victoria is back and I could not be happier.  I think I will be adding this book to my reading list this year. 

I am experimenting with this moisturizer set right now and so far I have been super happy with it.  My face begs for hydration during this time of the year. 

I really need to try this cake

I want to make more of my own cleaning products this year.  Do you have any favorite recipes? 

Obsessed with these salt and pepper shakers

Mr. Pedantic and I have a road trip to make this weekend for a family wedding and all I can think about is how excited I am for wedding cake. 

Wishing you all a very happy Friday! 


Pedantic Foodie

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