Plate Fete

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We are in the midst of yet another storm here in Virginia and, as much as my heart strives for thankfulness, I am much more inclined to mourn the past six weeks of upper 80s heat and humidity broken only by pouring rain. Where is October?! Regardless of what the weather decides to do, it is a dazzling 71 degrees in our home and I am donning sweater after sweater.

Last weekend we hammered down the lids on several paint cans and crossed the last major painting task off of our list. It was a wonderful feeling. While these new rooms and walls are beginning to become familiar, I still find myself waiting to “go back home.” I think my heart simply has yet to catch up with what my brain already knows. Please just send chai lattes and tell me this is normal.

This article has convinced me to invest in a couple of these quarter sheet pans.

This past week my work has been pleasantly interrupted multiple times a day (and night) with kitten care. A small litter of kittens were abandoned behind our new home earlier this week and I have been relishing these 5am feedings and tiny paws. I know it cannot last forever, but with the past few weeks being what they have been, I am thankful to have something sweet and soft to love, care about, think about, and worry about. Their tiny tummies have also forced me to get back into a solid routine and that is one of the biggest blessings. Routines are good things.

I finally ordered us a WyzeCam the other day. I have been telling myself to do it for months but always forgot. Now, however, it is on its way and I cannot wait to start stalking Sabine when I leave the house. We all know that is the only reason I wanted it. Essentially, for whatever absurd reason, I am offering my puppy the power of distracting me whether I am at home or not. Sounds like a really good idea, right?

I am in a total tea rut at the moment and all I want to drink is this Vanilla Comoro tea by Harney & Sons. It just feels so cozy and perfect for fall.

I kind of want to take Mr. Pedantic out on an impromptu date sometime this weekend to see First Man. There’s just something so cozy about going to the theatre on a rainy weekend.

I am determined to find my new routine. September is typically my month to get my head on straight after the topsy turvy summer schedule, but because our September was consumed with moving, I lost all consistency. It is time to find my new normal.

What are you up to this weekend? I am making a caramel apple pie from The Four & Twenty Blackbirds Pie Book (my favorite!!) for our church’s fall festival and celebrating my brother and father’s birthdays with this apple amaretto cake.

Happy, happy weekending!


Pedantic Foodie


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