Plate Fete

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How is it that we are here again? The end of another week. The time tide has pushed us even closer to the shores of Christmas and I feel a little nauseas to be honest.

Where has this month gone? I have been hearing that question a lot lately, and disappointingly, no one seems ready with an answer.

How is your Christmas game? So far, my presents are wrapped and shopping is done, but I am still working hard on my few handmade gifts, and I really have not even begun my baking. Next week is my week. These Lemon Crinkle Cookies are 100% on my list!

Have you checked out your December food horoscope? I am not exactly thrilled with my Italain Wedding Soup fate.

There is a debate in our house about dog shoes. I think Sabine needs them for the frosty mornings, and Mr. Pedantic stands by his prosaic dad-argument of “if God had intended dogs to have shoes he would have given them shoes in the first place.” Of course, by such a stance, humans should be taking the barefoot route too. All that said, I totally think I have the winning hand. I have cuteness on my side.

Have you made this snickerdoodle hot chocolate yet? If not, this should totally be your weekend project because it is out-of-this-world amazing! These festive doughnuts would not be a bad idea either…

I am so intrigued by this book! How is it that I never heard of it? Definitely adding this one to our library.

Do you follow me on Instagram? If not, you might want to head over and do that because I’ll be doing a super exciting giveaway this weekend and it’s all happening there!

Wishing you all a deliciously festive weekend!


Pedantic Foodie

See this gallery in the original post