Plate Fete

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Oh, the joy of Friday is sweet and abundant.  We made it.  Another week conquered, and another weekend comes as our well-earned reward. 

Lately, I have been overflowing in the creative concepts department but my will to execute is at the lowest of lows.  Blame allergies, vitamin deficiencies, the effects of a 4:30am alarm, or the hectic nature of life in general, this is where I find myself.  Struggling to find the coordination to pour my coffee without disaster.  Every few months this happens to me, and for a few weeks I completely lose my rhythm, energy, and motivation.  I do not know why, but I have been through it enough to know that eventually, it will pass, and then I will be back to throwing pizza dough around like a champ.

For now, I am just trying to give myself little boosts.  While tea is a comforting tonic, sometimes it is a little too comforting.  Drowsiness usually hits me around 9-10am and then again around 2-3pm.  I know 9am seems a little early to be hitting a wall, but this has only been the case since I began starting my days at 4:30am.  During these times, I find it most helpful to take a little break rather than staying glued to my desk and beating myself up for my lack of productivity.

Perhaps this is a struggle unique to me, but I doubt it.  So, if you are feeling a little drowsy, here are a few of things I like to do to perk up.  Things besides scrolling through Instagram, because that’s an obvious. 

  • Talk a walk.  Sabine appreciates the exercise, and sometimes a little jaunt and fresh air is all I need to turn around the midday slump. 
  • Drink a kombucha.  You knew I was going to say that, didn’t you?  I do not tolerate caffeine on an empty stomach overly well, so coffee is not usually a great option for me.  But kombucha!  For whatever reason, it gives me an energy boost and feels like I am doing something good for this body of mine. 
  • Pretty up that workspace.  Pulling together a small bouquet or lighting a candle to brighten up that crowded desk helps me to re-approach work with new vigor. 
  • Find a new audio book or playlist to keep you company.  I recently discovered that my local library offers a huge collection of audio books that I can download right from my phone.  A good mystery makes all the difference when you have got a couple hundred photographs to edit. 
  • Take a few minutes to flip through an inspiring magazine.  Sometimes feeding your creativity a little bit is all you need to get those wheels turning again. 

That's all for now.  I've got a sister with a birthday to celebrate and celebratory treats to bake.  Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!



Pedantic Foodie

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