Plate Fete

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I feel like such a millennial right now.  For the past two weeks, the string of words has flown from my mouth like a broken record.  "Summer is going wayyyy too fast."

I have been reciting my griefs to the cashiers at Trader Joe's, to friends through texts, and of course to my invariably patient husband. 

But now...  Well, now I am itching to buy fall-scented candles, to whip out my pumpkin spice dish soap, and to don sweatshirts and soft, leather boots.

I know, I am pathetic, but please tell me I'm not alone in this fickle conundrum. 

Theybies?!  Oh good gracious.  As if this world wasn't confusing enough. 

Give me ALL of this Grilled Panzanella Caprese!  I want this EVERY.  SINGLE.  DAY.

I love this guide to making your own bouquet.  For years, I have tried to emulate my mother's tremendous arrangements, but having it broken down in simple steps makes it so much easier. 

It is a struggle to not begrudge Mr. Pedantic's distaste for zucchini.  Why???  There is only one thing to be done.  I am going to have to eat the entire batch of this incredible carbonara by myself.  The things we do for those we love...

Well this is gorgeous...

I love this casserole carrier!  Such a fun, retro way to mask those ugly aluminum pans. 

Are you making a geode cake of your very own this weekend?  Or are you going to join me in my shame-ridden venture to Bath & Body Works for premature pumpkin-scented contraband?  Either way, you are living well. 

Happy, happy weekend! 


Pedantic Foodie


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