Plate Fete

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Tomorrow is a very special day.  One of my favorite days.  Tomorrow is the first of September which means...PUMPKINS!  CHAI!  SWEATERS!  AND ALL THE SCENTED CANDLES!  

Can you tell that I'm excited?

This song is playing on repeat right now. 

Our office is slowly growing tighter as our "new home" collection grows bigger.  Etsy is my faithful friend during this mission of turning our first house into our second home and from the looks of this monstrous pile, it's going to be a lovely one. 

We are somehow a mere two weeks away from our closing date and I can barely wrap my mind around what has happened over the past month of our lives. 

How darling is this storage ladder?  Do I need it?  I think I do... 

I have been swooning over this dress all week. 

I am going to need these root beer floats.  Give me a double. 

Little miss Sabine has pretty much destroyed her entire toy supply.  Do you have any brands of toys that you love and will hold up to my piranna pup?  Do they even exist?  I need help. I am so tired of finding stuffed animal parts and stuffing around our home.  

Happy, happy Friday!


Pedantic Foodie

See this gallery in the original post