Plate Fete

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Happy Friday, friends! January is moving faster than my goals are realizing, and the days seem to be passing quicker than ever.

May I level with you for a minute? I have no motivation right now to do anything. And believe me, I mean anything. When the alarm goes off I often stare up at the ceiling with sleepy eyes wondering how on earth I am going to muster up the energy to fix my hair. It has been a struggle. Do not even get me started on trying to find creative energy. It is a day-by-day battle and I hate it, but this is real life.

I know that eventually I will regain my vigor and enthusiasm, but right now every single little thing feels like too much. I make these confessions not to welcome sympathy, but honesty. I have a feeling that I am not the only one who struggles to make it through these dreary days with sanity and success.

Before you ask…No, I am not Marie Kondo-ing every corner and cabinet of my house…but, should I be? So far, I have kept my distance from the organization goddess for two reasons. First, because we just moved and unpacking was basically a nonstop discipline of organization. And second, because I can go a little crazy when it comes to organizing, and fall into the cycle of suddenly feeling trapped in my “disaster” of a house, dumping everything out of every drawer, getting very, very overwhelmed, and then sitting in the middle of a pile stupefied by my own mess. It is not pretty.

I am in awe of this gorgeous cake. I would love to make a lemon version for Easter, how pretty would that be?!

Did you catch the latest episode of Victoria? Oh, my goodness, I cannot talk enough about how much I adore this show. If you enjoy historical dramas, this show is for you. Also, Albert is the real deal Prince Charming.

I am seriously craving this sheet pan gnocchi and it is definitely going on this coming week’s menu. Tell me though, where do you buy your gnocchi? Sure, I could make my own, but wouldn’t that undermine the convenience factor of a sheet pan dinner?

If you are looking for a way to brighten up your weekend, look no farther than this pink citrus french toast. It is a winner.

Happy, happy Friday!!


Pedantic Foodie

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