Plate Fete

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This morning, Mr. Pedantic and I are heading off for a long weekend in celebration of our third (how?!?) anniversary. Apple picking, farmer’s-market browsing, and the promise of sourdough doughnuts await us, and I could not be more ready. I am heading off, slightly medicated due to a mounting head cold that I am trying to ignore and with a full heart. November and December are always a blur so this is our last chance to sneak in a bit of solace before the manic begins. I’m thankful.

I am so hopelessly late, but I have just begun watching The Crown and I am still not sure where I stand. You know I am a Victoria fanatic and though I am sure The Crown boasts greater accuracy, I am having to adjust to the lack - by comparison - of drama. Such problems we have…

If I am ever desperate to get Mr. Pedantic in the kitchen, these cocottes will be the ticket.

For whatever reason, I have been checking off my Christmas lists early this year, and while shopping - almost solely online - I have come across so many fun advent calendars!! While they work best for early Christmas gifts, I love the idea of gifting something that can be enjoyed over several weeks. This list has a few unique options. I am definitely considering the puppy calendar for Sabine.

While visiting my second home - Trader Joe’s - last week, I stumbled upon kiwi berries for the very first time. I was skeptical to say the least, but Mr. Pedantic has a fascination with trying every new fruit he finds so I brought a pint home for him. Truth be told, I ate 95% of the container and I am now obsessed with the tiny green fruits. While I did find the skins to be a little bitter, the inner fruit is just like a traditional kiwi. I am not sure if they will be available more regularly now, but if you can get your hands on some, you should!

After reading this article, I have both the tomato and garlic sauce in my Amazon shopping cart.

Jessica from How Sweet Eats was talking about this apple pie drinking vinegar on Instagram a few days back and now I am dying to get my hands on some. I have become obsessed with the drinking vinegars from Trader Joe’s recently and this sounds like the perfect version for autumn.

Looks like wewon’t be getting my hands on any Prosecco-flavored Pringles but I’m not sure if that is really a bad thing…

I’m just going to leave these Bailey’s Pumpkin Milkshakes right here.

Wishing you all the most wonderful weekend!


Pedantic Foodie


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