Plate Fete

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Good morning! It is Friday, long-awaited Friday, and I am just wondering how we are already in March?! Ugh, it is going too fast and this is my “slow” season. In a way, it discourages me, but in another sense, it motivates me even more to make each day and each moment count!

I am feeling Spring a little prematurely this year, which means I am already back on my annual iced coffee kick. It’s cold, creamy coffee here on out until September! This is how I make mine.

I went through my purse this week over on Instagram - you’ll find all the details in my highlights!

These fish tacos are on our menu this week and that makes me happy.

My Kitchen Aid stand mixer died last weekend while I was in the depths of prepping bagel dough for the next morning’s brunch. When I say “died” I mean that it was literally smoking and my entire kitchen reeked of burning metal. This mixer is not even three years old so I am still having a hard time grasping the fact that it broke on me when my mother’s has been working steadily for 16+ years. Have you had this happen? I am wondering if it was just a fluke, or a fault with the particular model, but either way, I am going to be buying another because I am not quite sure how to live my baker’s life without my best buddy.

I recently revisited this quiche. It never disappoints.

“You don’t have to monetize your joy.” Lots of food for thought in this article.

I forget that so many people don’t journal because I have been doing it for so long - coming on six years now. Just recently, I have come to realize that it is its own form of mindfulness. Taking an overview of each day, observing the good and the bad, putting it down on paper, and freeing myself of any obligation to dwell there. Grab yourself a journal sometime, I think you’ll like it.

What are your weekend plans? I have hopes of a family walk for bubble tea and a bit of recreational reading. We also have a Brazilian-themed family dinner on the agenda and I am bringing the pasteis!

Wherever you are, whatever you do - happy weekending!


Pedantic Foodie

See this gallery in the original post