Plate Fete

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Here we are, another bright Friday, another opportunity to consume all the carbs. Last weekend Mr. Pedantic and I made bagels (see above), and now I am obsessed with perfecting my recipe and building The Perfect Bagel.

I picked up a tube of this lotion at Trader Joe’s last week and I am smitten! It smells so lovely (I have recently become obsessed with anything rose-scented) and is some of the thickest lotion I have ever brought home. On these winter days when my hands have more cracks than the Colosseum, this lotion is perfect.

These noodle bowls are going on our menu for next week and I am beyond excited!

This sounds like one of the grossest things ever, but…I kinda want some. Would you try it?

Have you heard about these Food Sensitivity Tests? I am SO fascinated by this concept! There are so many headache and stomach issues in our immediate and extended family and I think this could be such an amazing tool!

This book is on my wishlist! I really want to create a strong arsenal of natural cleaners this spring!

Are you making my bacon and brown sugar pancakes this weekend? It is the only way to Saturday.

Happy, happy weekend to us!


Pedantic Foodie


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