Plate Fete

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It’s Friday and I’m thankful. I am thankful for the return of sunshine this past week, and for the ability to go outside and enjoy it. Let’s be grateful today.

I need to not be cold anymore, I really do. I do not know what has changed this year, but my typical fanaticism for winter simply did not kick in. I really, really want it to be spring so I can work without donning multiple blankets.

Right now, I am diffusing my go-to blend of lavender, lemon, and sage on repeat and I love how fresh it smells and how calming the combo of lavender and sage is for me. What are your go-to blends?

Identity crisis adverted, here are the answers to everyone’s looming question, “What’s Your Classic Diner Order?” .

Um…Looks like I’m going to need a new bowl for my KitchenAid. It’s a need, not a want.

Let’s talk about the conclusion of Victoria. First, thank heaven that V’s sister is gone. So happy that relations between Bertie and Albert appear to be restored. Also, is he not the most darling little boy you have ever seen?! He is *almost* as adorable as my dog, which is nearly impossible. Lastly, that ending would be completely devastating if history did not provide the most calming and reassuring spoilers. I know we are going to have to say goodbye to Albert eventually (I can’t think about it), but so long as the writers stick to the timeline, we still have another decade. Whew. My emotional state is saved…at least for this season.

My cousin is a full-on plant charmer and I have dreams of cultivating house plants and bringing all of the hippie plant vibes into our home. That said, I kill everything. Not an exaggeration. I do, however, have a faux mandarin tree that has done remarkably well…I wonder why? Trying to take some advice from this article and bolster my courage to bring home a new green baby.

Happy weekending!!


Pedantic Foodie


See this gallery in the original post