Plate Fete

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We have had quite a week of ups and downs around here but I am skipping into the weekend ready to don my best duds and eat all the Peeps that I possibly can!

Change is budding all around me and I am looking more than ever to my well-loved rituals that bring a sense of stability to an ever-evolving existence. Plentiful cups of tea and Call the Midwife is my current drug of choice. What do you do to refocus?

I will never forsake my affection for a good, French boule, but I would not mind taking all my subs encased in pickles from this point forward. Hello, lover. Also, can someone start a pickle diet?

Okay, internet, I see you and I approve. The baguette pillow. I wonder if its gluten-free…

Um, do not read this. But also, do read this. It is fascinating and deeply disturbing.

Calling all fellow ice snobs! It’s happening! The prospect of having what I have always called “pebble ice” in my very own home thrills my heart. Just wondering how I can convince Mr. Pedantic that it’s worth $500…

Thanks for spending part of your Friday morning with me! Happy weekending, friends!


Pedantic Foodie


See this gallery in the original post