Plate Fete

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Tuesday morning I woke up feeling a little under the weather and by the time I was heading to bed that night the verdict was clear - another winter cold. This bug certainly slowed my momentum this week, but I have been fighting hard, with medication in hand and many boxes of tissues nearby. If I was not excited about summer before, I am now!

Let’s talk about things!

A $75 cup of coffee…can’t say I would not be tempted.

Have you tried the Organic Elote Corn Chips at Trader Joe’s?!? Oh my gosh. Mr. Pedantic and I opened up a bag the other night while spending some quality time with Netflix and I made him pause our show just so I could gush properly over how head-over-heels in love I was with these chips. They are good, like, really good.

This pasta pie is absolutely on our menu for next week.

Are you a fan of staycations? Mr. Pedantic and I took one last year and it ended up being one of my favorite weeks with him to date. Sabine went to “puppy camp” at my parents’ house and we took the mornings slow and visited some of our favorite spots around our area. I am hoping we can find a wedge of time this summer for a repeat.

Um, how freaking cute is this Unicorn Float Tea Infuser?!?! Need it!!

In this weekly post where my randomness is (mostly) confined and so kindly tolerated, I need to talk to you about this soap. Every single person who has come into my house and washed their hands over the past several weeks has remarked upon this soap and that is because it smells absolutely incredible! Honestly, it’s one of the best fragrances I have ever met with and I think I am going to need to stock up before it is retired.

Happy Friday, friends!!


Pedantic Foodie


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