Plate Fete

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What a week it has been. There’s been pupping-admiring (my parent’s dogs became parents!!), post-surgery care for Sabine (just spaying, and she’s doing okay), our first of (hopefully) many dinners on the patio, truly incredible moments in the fashion world, and just a whole lot of life. I have been trudging through the days under the weight of unexplainable exhaustion and complete indifference to my to-do list. It’s been a bit of a struggle, but we are making it, slowly, but surely.

Let’s chat.

I watched Unicorn Store on Netflix this week and I really, really enjoyed it. I appreciated the whimsy, and the staggering amount of glitter made my heart skip a beat.

This crab salad is all I want right now.

Hot dogs are, admittedly, one of my favorite summer foods and this idea has me beyond excited for our next cook out.

In need of some Mother’s Day inspiration?

SO excited about Jess’s Grilling Series! If you have not yet been on her blog, you need to hop on over because she’s the cutest/coolest.

Shoes inspired by croissants? Yes please.

Let’s live happy today!


Pedantic Foodie


See this gallery in the original post