Plate Fete

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The summer heat and busyness hit hard this week, making me all the more ready for this weekend to arrive. Now, we've made, it and I am more than a little excited to eat all the ice cream and drink all the summery drinks.

Currently head-over-heels in love with these Firecracker Cupcakes. I am not typically a super kitschy lady when it comes to holidays, but come 4th of July, I lose my mind and everything from nail polish to paper plates features sparkly stars and red, white, and blue. I just cannot help myself.

This strawberry pretzel dessert is my most embarrassing guilty pleasure and a mandatory facet of every 4th of July menu.

This “simplified” approach to lemonade is interesting but I am wondering if this method, which requires significantly more dishes, is really faster or lazier than just juicing lemons yourself? Have you tried it? Do you love it?

Completely obsessed with this show right now.

If you follow Gaby on instagram, you might know that a portion of the foodie community was losing its mind last week over this grilled cheese and ketchup situation. Up until that moment, I had never heard of dipping grilled cheese into the classic red condiment. Nearly every part of me cringes at the thought, HOWEVER, I have always dipped my grilled cheese sandwiches into tomato soup, which really isn’t a far cry from Gaby’s combination so…I don’t know where I stand. Where is your position in this very important debate?

These saltine cracker candy ice cream sandwiches are my weekend project and are basically all I can think about right now.

Happy Friday, friends!!


Pedantic Foodie


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