Plate Fete

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This fish taco was a collaboration between Mr. Pedantic and myself, and was one of my favorite things I have eaten all summer. I am now fully supportive of my husband’s fishing habits, and if that was his plan all along, I will gladly accept defeat while I reach for another smattering of creama.

We are roughly thirty hours away from the beginning of family vacation which means that I have a lot of laundry to do. Sabine’s puppy-sitter has bravely accepted my two pages of notes/instructions and I am working through my mama emotions as I look towards leaving her for a whole week. I am now the person I used to laugh at, and I am not even mad about it.

As I have been working through trip preparations and all that it entails, I have been trying to stock the freezer with whatever food we cannot finish before departure. I had a lot of crab that I needed to eat or use on the quick, so I made several recipes of these crab cakes and froze them. My research told me this was a good idea, so I am really excited to see how they reheat. I am also planning to pick most of what remains of my basil plant and freeze a big batch of pesto to use throughout the fall.

“Teetering on the line between overdue and unexpected”?! How about, “teetering on the line of Satan must be working overtime to ruin all that is sacred, and why is Spam still in production”? I have issues, so many issues, with this.

I feel like Sabine really needs to pursue a future career as a Canine Travel Critic. 

Currently craving this avocado toast with pickled onions and a tall glass of basil lemonade.

I am slowly transitioning into autumn flavors by taking my favorite iced coffee with a sprinkle of cinnamon. After vacation, it’s all pumpkins and acorn-scented cleaning products for the next several months.

Happy, happy Friday friends!


Pedantic Foodie


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