Plate Fete

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Hey there, friends! I hope your Friday is off to a grand beginning and that it includes bagels and coffee. Or perhaps a batch of these muffins. It’s the weekend and carbs nonnegotiable.

This past week has included a lot of planning as I take a strategic glance at my to-dos and calendar. Back in the spring, I began allowing myself a time slot for “friend dates” each week, or bi-weekly, depending on my workload. Sometimes I used these hours to catch up with a friend over a cup of coffee, and other times I used those times to serve a friend with childcare or by making a meal. Running a business means that work is always available and calling for my attention, so it was important for me to make sure I prioritized these moments if they were ever going to happen. The summer was essentially a tornado to my routines, but now that we are back into the season of order and newness, I am revisiting the habit I loved so much.

Now, let’s talk about some things.

I appreciate these sweet words from Joy. Thinking of incorporating a “here’s what we know” mental exercise into my weekly rituals.

A conversation about pre-minced garlic.

Have you tried the pumpkin cream cold brew?! If not, stop everything and have yourself a mini fall moment because this drink is rocking my world.

Pasta horoscopes? I’m so here for it.

As ardent mystery lovers, Mr. Pedantic and I are seriously obsessed with this wine train/murder mystery situation.

Take a look at this stunner of a drink.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!


Pedantic Foodie


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