Sparkling Cranberry Clementine Cider

Thanksgiving is a thing of the past, and Christmas was here and gone, but there is yet one more holiday which begs for celebration.

Sparkling Cranberry Clemintine Cider {Pedantic Foodie}

I have always seen the New Year holiday as rather a somber one.  Saying goodbye to one year and having to boldly enter the next never struck me with a great deal of enthusiasm, but it is after all, an excuse to eat more food.  And it rather begs for some sort of celebration. 

This year I am welcoming the future with an ode to the past.  Historically, holidays were always accompanied by punches.  This cider is my take on a classic tradition.  

Sparkling Cranberry-Clemintine Cider {Pedantic Foodie}

This cider is an echo to the vibrant freshness of winter fruits and the spices of the holidays.  

Cranberry juice is spiced up with allspice, cloves and cinnamon and married with sparkling clementine italian soda.

Sparkling Cranberry-Clemintine Cider {Pedantic Foodie}

This is what I will be sipping as I bid my parting farewell to this past year and open my arms to embrace 2014.  



 Pedantic Foodie 

Sparkling Cranberry Clementine Cider 

serves 2 

  • 1 1/2 cups cranberry juice 
  • 1 cup clementine italian soda, chilled 
  • 1/2 teaspoon whole cloves
  • 1/2 teaspoon allspice berries 
  • 1,  3 inch cinnamon stick 
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar 
  • orange peels, optional  

In a small saucepan combine cranberry juice, spices and sugar.  Bring to a simmer over medium-high heat and simmer for 10 minutes.  Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. 

Strain the juice to remove the spices.  Combine clementine italian soda with the cooled cranberry cider.  Serve immediately and garnish with orange peels.  Enjoy!