Snow Days at Norwyk Manor

Friday afternoon I reluctantly made my way to the market for extra milk and marshmallows, thinking all the time that the predicted blizzard would amount to nothing but a few disappointing flurries. 

Snow Day {Pedantic Foodie}

I was beyond delighted to find myself proven wrong Saturday morning.  While the Sun was still mostly in hiding, I hopped out of bed and rubbed the condensation off of our bedroom window, revealing a heavenly white world. 

The snow was still falling, and we lingered in bed, watching the flakes kiss the windows while enjoying a sumptuous breakfast tray Mr. Pedantic had assembled.

Snow Day {Pedantic Foodie}

When we had finished our tea and layered on the fleece pants, I popped some corn and baked up several dozen of Mr. Pedantic's favorite cookies.  After all, a snow day is something to celebrate. 

Snow Day {Pedantic Foodie}

My hallowed father bravely fetched us in his truck, and we spent the afternoon pacing up the great hill and sliding back down again.

There is such a classic romanticism about snow days.  The charm and coziness they bring will never grow old in my mind.  

Snow Day {Pedantic Foodie}

We both woke up sore the following morning.  Apparently our "young and invincible" bodies were left behind in London by mistake.  Tumbling down hills takes a much greater toll than it once did, thank goodness for restorative cocoa. 

Snow Day {Pedantic Foodie}

I baked SOOO many cookies over the past few days.  It seems that nothing cures the chill of 15 degree weather better than a warm, butterscotch-studded cookie...or four. 

Snow Day {Pedantic Foodie}

I packed away our Christmas ornaments this weekend but, while the tree was supposed to go along with them, the mister convinced me to keep it up a few days longer.  It's golden glow complemented the white world around us so perfectly. 

Snow Day {Pedantic Foodie}

I have been tackling organization projects all week and it has felt so good.  The spice, tea, and mug cabinets have been thoroughly inspected and rearranged, and now I can open them without cringing.   

Snow Day {Pedantic Foodie}

While I kept moving and did small projects throughout the days, I tried to move a bit slower over the weekend, and even found time to curl up with a blanket and  It has felt so good. 

I hope your weekend was cozy, restful, and full of memories! 


Pedantic Foodie