Fridays always seem to lie on the verge of absolute chaos, or emptiness and unsurity.  Last weekend really began Thursday afternoon, and was an unstoppable whirlwind until Sunday evening.  This weekend, however, there is a rather depressing, yet exciting void on the calendar.  No doubt that void conceals great amounts of laundry, but there are no great plans in the works as of yet, and I find myself quite happy with that. 

COFFEE TALK {Pedantic Foodie}

The lunacy of last weekend left me with an extra cozy amount of pocket money, so I indulged myself and bought a pair of overalls.  I bought said pair of overalls online, which may have been a mistake.  Thank goodness for return policies if it turns out that the seemingly large pockets do not do the backside of me any favors.  

I want to go really simple with my make-up during the warmer months of this year, and then try my darnedest to pull off a really bold lip.  I am smitten with this option right now but I cannot bring myself to press the “checkout” button quite yet…probably because my sister told me that there is no way I can pull it off.  On the other hand, my three-year-old flower girl was totally on board so I think it’s clear whose advice I should follow. 

This was probably the best thing I have read in weeks.  I think the Queen and I would get along splendidly.  As I was reading about her Highness’s two-fold breakfast, I realized that I often indulge in my own version of jentacular in the wee hours of the morning, though it is somewhat reversed.  Lately, I have been making my own breakfast along with Mr. Pedantic’s and taking it back to bed with me after I send him out the door.  Then, when I re-awaken at a more decent hour (i.e. 7am), I grab a cup of tea and a stray cookie (if I’m lucky), before heading out the door myself.  If it’s good enough for the Queen… 

Speaking of breakfast, I made these pancakes for dinner last night and I had completely forgotten how incredible they are.  Please, let them be apart of your weekend.  Maybe top them with a spoonful of whipped cream and lemon curd while you are at it.  

I might have picked out this candle solely because of the color, but I am now IN LOVE with this fragrance.  I love the fact that it is just floral enough to be springy, but not overly flowery.  

Have you seen this dreamy, fairytale-inspired soup pot?  I definitely need another pot.  I really do… 

I really liked this article, especially because I realized I am already practicing four out of the five steps pretty consistently.  It was a nice mid-week pat on the back.  Now that I am in the habit of grocery shopping consistently each week, I have to stay really organized.  Grocery shopping has had to become a strategic venture, but I’ve found that I enjoy it even more now.  On Sunday evening, I try to plan out my meals for the week, evaluate my pantry, then make my list and embark upon the markets Monday afternoon.  I have been using this app for the past couple of months and I am really happy with it - mostly because I can organize my categories by color.  It is a little too easy to delete items from your list though, so be careful of careless swiping.  Realizing that you accidentally crossed out your chocolate covered almonds is quite depressing. 

My greatest enemy to efficiency in grocery shopping has been my own pickiness.  I am trying to stick to only visiting three stores when I shop, but I have not been able to narrow it down any further.  Right now, it’s Aldi’s, Trader Joe’s, and Target (for non-grocery stuff).  I occasionally throw in Fresh Market, depending on my protein needs for the week.  It’s no surprise that it takes me about three hours each week to shop for two people.  However, I know what I like from each store and I actually find the shopping rather relaxing. 

I think I just wrote two paragraphs about grocery shopping.  I am not sure when I have ever sounded so house-wifey.  Weirdness.

Please do not hate me for totally jumping the gun, but, for those of you who will be planning Easter menus, may I suggest these Cinnamon Sugar Cheese Buns

Wishing you a wonderful donut-fueled weekend!


Pedantic Foodie