Plate Fete

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I have to admit to some fierce anxiety with the coming of this new month.  I'll happily accept my own broken record status and once again state that is this year going by SO fast.  Like, we are almost halfway through 2018.  Just let that sink in.  Um, I am going to need a coffee. 

I picked up a bottle of this liquid illuminator on a whim last weekend and I have been surprisingly impressed. I have been using it along with my blush, just along my cheekbones, and it gives such a light, pale glow.  It is perfect for spring. 

I think I am going to need to make these waffles happen very soon.  We really love having breakfast for dinner around here, and these sound so perfect for such an occasion. 

This instagram account is giving me life right now. 

I need hardly mention that tomorrow is freaking Cinco de Mayo which means these crispy pork tacos (a.k.a. basically the most popular recipe to ever grace this blog) and this coconut milk horchata are calling our names.  DO IT.  And eat all the queso.   Always.  

Yesterday we reached the nineties (yep, already), so I am beginning to take serious survival measures.  That means stocking up on these popsicles and trying to find creative ways to exhaust Sabine indoors.  I am already sick of sweating. 

Avocado toast and yogurt bowls are coming back into my life in a big way and I love it.  I am so moody when it comes to food, especially breakfasts, but I love wearing out a favorite until I hate it and then falling back in love six months later.  Yeah, yeah, I am a millennial. 

It's iced coffee season.  I pretty much want nothing to do with coffee from November until mid-April and then suddenly we get back together and are best friends again.  My french press has been in constant use for the past two weeks and I could not be happier with this caffeinated existence.  This is my favorite coffee.  Truly, it's amazing.  Every time I introduce it to someone new, they always ask me where I got it.  Oh, and if you are looking to basically drink away all your calories for the day (which you definitely should), this iced white mocha is bonkers. 

Happy, happy weekend! xoxo


Pedantic Foodie


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