Plate Fete

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Hey there!  Happy, happy Friday to you!  This week passed with unbelievable rapidity, but I am so thankful to find myself just hours away from a long, lazy weekend. 

Did you catch these Funfetti Popovers?  Just the thing to kick off your Saturday. 

I think we are officially out of that in between stage where the temperatures range from a breezy 55 degrees F one day, only to shock our sweaters off with a soul-crushing 92 the following.  Things seem to have evened out at long last, and I am finally rediscovering my summer wardrobe groove.  I took a several year hiatus and packed away my IMMENSE collection of hats.  But a couple of weeks ago, the suitcase came down from its home on the top shelf and I have been easing my way back into hat couture.  Headscarfs are also making a comeback in my life.  Here is some chic inspiration for you. 

I think these luggage tags would make such darling homemade gifts. 

I have got to make myself a pair of these sandals.  Mr. Pedantic leaves for a guy's weekend away in a couple of weeks, and my sister and I are planning a girls' weekend at home.  I think that would be the perfect time to pull out the glue guns and pompoms. 

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend! 


Pedantic Foodie


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