Plate Fete

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Hello friends!

I know I had disappeared for a bit. I want more than anything to be present and sending a multiplicity of recipes your way, but I have needed some time to process all that has changed in our world these past few weeks.

I am encouraged by the signs of spring around me - blooming flowers and dancing birds who continue to move forward regardless of how our world shifts and halts. I am cheered by every kick from this little one inside me, remembering that she feels as safe and at peace today as she did one month ago. These realizations and sensations draw me out of myself and back into a fuller picture of life.

Tomorrow I will be 35 weeks and my cesarean delivery is scheduled for April 27th…just over four weeks away. Suddenly, the natural fears and anxieties that were present before have been washed away in a tidal wave of emotions and considerations that I never could have anticipated. Amongst many other disappointments and changes, we now face the looming possibility of my facing both delivery and recovery on my own and that, to be honest, really frightens me.

This present state of living effects each home and individual differently. All of us are unsure and to some extent, unsettled. It hurts and it grates. Right now, I am doing a lot of preparing that I did not expect or anticipate. I’m also spending some time sitting in the middle of our sweet little one’s nursery breathing in and out.

One of the most important things we can do right now is to keep moving. Sure, the extent of those movements might be a bit more limited, but we can continue to do something each day to support one another and fight against stagnation. It can be as simple as a phone call to a friend or assigning ourselves a project.


In an effort to encourage us all, I have decided to share some weekly challenges for all of us to share! Let’s learn how to do some new things and take advantage of this online community during these days when that is all most of us can have.

For this weekend (yes, it is the weekend), I would love for everyone to make a batch of these bright and cheery Lime Sugar Streusel Muffins with Raspberry Preserves. They are so springy and 100% approachable - no fancy skills or obscure ingredients are required. All you need is a bit of willpower and a love for delicious bakes.

Please be sure to share your recipes on social media and tag me! I promise to send all of the virtual high fives your way. ;)

We can do this. Together.


Pedantic Foodie