Let's Take a Road Trip! - His & Hers Travel Kits with Cost Plus World Market

This post was sponsored by Cost Plus World Market. I feel delighted and privileged to be able to work with brands that I genuinely love. Thank you so much for continuing to support my passions and efforts by being here!

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

Summer has made her arrival.  It is undeniable.  Summer solstice or no summer solstice, her golden spell has been cast.  The farmer's stands are overflowing with melons, berries, and sweet corn and the barbecues and cook-outs have begun.  These warm days make adventurers of us all, and I find myself at my desk typing away, all the while dreaming of my next road trip. 

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

Tomorrow Mr. Pedantic and I will head off on our first road trip of the year and I cannot wait to be out of my to-do list's reach.  While I am excited to reach our destination, the mere call of the road is enough to get me giddy. 

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

Growing up, the majority of our family vacations required a fair amount of driving, but I never remember minding very much because my mother always found a way to make the car ride nearly as exciting as the destination. 

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

My mother would assemble travel bags for each of us children, stocked with new audio books, road trip snacks, a few car games, new sunglasses, and a blanket for when the drowsiness set it. Those bags were such a delight to unfold. They made the morning of our vacations a sort of Christmas as we pulled out each item with building excitement.

Though I am grown now and my mother will not be packing us travel kits, I thought that I would revive some of that vacation-morning magic by making Mr. Pedantic and myself His & Hers travel baskets. This summer, I have teamed up with Cost Plus World Market to create these adorable road trip kits for you and your sweetheart/car-buddy. Whether you are going near or far, these baskets make the venture a true delight!

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

 Each Basket Includes

- a salty snack

- candy

- chewing gum

- travel journal & pens 

- travel cup 

- sparkling water 

- blanket (because I am always, always, always cold in the car when Mr. Pedantic is driving)

I used this  general outline for both baskets, but tailored the items to our individual tastes.

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

This sunny colored basket is mine - the "HER" basket.

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

Here's the run down of what's inside my basket...

salty snack - Hot Pepper & Vinegar Kettle Chips

candy - Chimes Orange Ginger Chews - I love having these little bits of ginger on hand for when car sickness sets in. Ginger is a natural anti-nausea. Alternatively, if you are very prone to motion sickness, tuck a bottle of peppermint oil in your bag - it's a lifesaver!

chewing gum - Grapefruit Melon - We love the Project 7 gum.

travel journal & pens - I love recording where we go and what we do each day.

travel cup - I love these colors.

sparkling water


bonus items - dried mango & hand lotion

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

For Mr. Pedantic's basket, I followed the same general outline, but picked out items that fit his tastes a bit more, and threw in some extra sweets for his insatiable sweet tooth. 

Here's the run down of what's inside Mr. Pedantic's basket...

salty snack - Cheddar & Caramel popcorn mix


chewing gum - Coconut Lime - He really loves his coconut.

travel journal & pens - If your man is not much of a journalist, try asking him to list his five favorite moments from your trip or record the best things you ate.

travel cup - I love this pattern so much.

sparkling water

blanket - For the off-chance that he lets me drive and wants a nap.

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

I will probably tuck in a few items from home before we leave, such as an audio book, sunglasses, lip balm (gotta have my EOS), and a set of headphones. 

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

Even though the contents are not going to be a surprise to me, I am so anxious to finally move these baskets out of my office and into the car! 

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

Wherever your travels take you this summer I hope that you will be inspired to make road trip baskets of your own!  

These His & Hers travel baskets are the perfect survival kits for your next summer road trip! {Pedantic Foodie}

Happy, happy adventuring! 


Pedantic Foodie


Enter for the chance to take your travel kits on the Taste of America Road Trip Sweepstakes!

Win an Adventure to one of America’s Favorite Food Cities: Nashville, San Francisco, Boston or Chicago!!

Prizes includes: Airfare for 2, Hotel, Food Tour, City Excursions and Dinner. Plus, a $1,000 World Market gift card.

Plus, THREE FIRST PRIZES: $500 World Market gift card. Sweepstakes ends July 7th.