Banana S'more BonBons

I went to a baseball game earlier in the week and was reminded of how little I care about baseball and how deeply I care about those wonderful concession workers who take it upon themselves to combine obscene amounts of calories and then dunk them in oil. 

Banana S'more BonBons {Pedantic Foodie}

I felt the need to show some appreciation to these people who were just waiting for someone like myself to turn away from the field of players and take one of those crispy funnel cakes or soft pillows of cotton candy off of their hands. 

Banana S'more BonBons {Pedantic Foodie}

I very seldom eat any kind of fast food, and I am a tiny bit fussy about reading ingredients lists, but when a row of food carts lies before me, I temporarily abandon my food fears and wholeheartedly indulge.

Banana S'more BonBons {Pedantic Foodie}

Sadly, my food cart fantasy land was lacking one very important portable food - there were no frozen bananas.  Not a one. 

Banana S'more BonBons {Pedantic Foodie}

I have always loved frozen, chocolate covered bananas with their melty, chocolate coats and their ice cream-like interiors. 

Banana S'more BonBons {Pedantic Foodie}

As I was trying to contrive an inventive idea for this week's s'more, those familiar frozen treats would not leave my mind. 

So I gave in.  

Banana S'more BonBons {Pedantic Foodie}

I sliced two bananas into 1/2-inch slices and piped a pillow of marshmallow fluff unto the surfaces of half of them.

Banana S'more BonBons {Pedantic Foodie}

Then, I topped them with the remaining slices that had been skewered with a popsicle stick before hand.  It's best to get the stick through the banana slice before you layer the slices, otherwise, you will end up squeezing out all of the marshmallow. 

The banana sandwiches need about an hour in the freezer before you can dip them into the sea of melted chocolate.  

Banana S'more BonBons {Pedantic Foodie}

To thin out the chocolate a bit, I like to add a spoonful of coconut oil.  Coconut oil is solid at room temperature which is perfect when we want a shiny, firm coating that will not melt the moment we take it out of the freezer. 

Banana S'more BonBons {Pedantic Foodie}

After the bonbons are dipped, graham cracker crumbs are sprinkled and these tiny pops are returned to the freezer for 5-10 minutes to help the chocolate set. 

Banana S'more BonBons {Pedantic Foodie}

In my mind, this is the perfect weekend treat.  Every day ingredients, minimal preparation, and true sweet tooth satisfaction.

Banana S'more BonBons {Pedantic Foodie}

Happy, happy Saturday! 


Pedantic Foodie

Banana S’more BonBons 

makes 10 / inspired by Joy the Baker

- 2 medium bananas 

- 1/2 cup marshmallow fluff (ha! Like you’re actually going to measure it…)

- 1 cup milk chocolate chips 

- 2 tablespoons coconut oil

- 10 popsicle sticks

- graham cracker crumbs

Slice bananas into 1/2-inch slices and lay half of them onto a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.  

Fill a pastry bag with marshmallow fluff and cut the end so that it is about 1/4-inch wide.  Pipe a small amount onto the surface of each banana.  You might be tempted to ignore the whole pastry bag thing and just spread your marshmallow on with a butter knife.  Resist!!  Bananas are slippery and marshmallow is sticky - the two do not make a good match.  Believe me, a pastry bag is the way to go. 

Insert the popsicle sticks into the remaining half of the banana slices, pushing the stick all the way through so that about 1/2 inch of the stick shows.  Insert this part of each stick into the marshmallow-toppled slices, forming little sandwiches.

Freeze for one hour. 

Combine chocolate chips and coconut oil in a small, microwave-safe bowl.  Microwave for thirty seconds, then remove and stir.  Return the bowl to the microwave and continue heating in thirty second increments, stirring after each, until the chocolate has melted.

Dip the frozen bananas into the melted chocolate and return to the parchment-lined pan.  Sprinkle with graham cracker crumbs and freeze for an additional 5-10 minutes, until the chocolate has set.  Serve immediately or place in zip-top bags and freeze for up to one week.  Enjoy!! 

Peanut Butter Fudge with Homemade Marshmallow Fluff & Pretzels

I remember ardently praying during my 3 to 4-year-old days, for a baby sister.  I reallyyy wanted a sister.  I knew everything would be wonderful if I could just have a smaller, less controlling (because I certainly did not need a threat to my dominance) version of myself to play with every single day.  I knew that we would play with baby dolls together, watch movies together, wear matching outfits, and paint our nails.  We did a lot of that.  But mostly, she ate my Chapsticks and said “no” far too much for my liking.  The little stinker thought she could have an opinion.  So rude.  

That only lasted for the first several years of our relationship.  I mean, she still borrows my Chapsticks, but they are returned without teeth marks now, and she still says “no” a lot, but mostly when I try on pencil skirts.  She has really mastered that tough love thing -- perhaps a little too well for my comfort.

Peanut Butter Fudge with Homemade Marshmallow Fluff & Pretzels {Pedantic Foodie}

What I am trying to say is that I really love my sister.  She’s super-weirdly-wonderfully great, even when she eats a bowl of buttercream with popcorn. 

Actually, ESPECIALLY when she does that because, she doesn’t get mad if I join her and eat half of it myself.

Peanut Butter Fudge with Homemade Marshmallow Fluff & Pretzels {Pedantic Foodie}

My sister has always had this mad obsession with peanut butter.  She eats it straight from the jar, maybe dipping some pretzels in there if she feels like it.  Oh, and peanut butter and marshmallow fluff sandwiches?  Well that love affair began a long time ago…  Photographic evidence of her obsession/cuteness.

I made this fudge for my sister in part because I felt guilty for not making more gluten-free things for her.  I don’t mean to do it, but somehow flour makes its way into nearly everything that comes out of my kitchen.  I just really love baguettes...and pasta...and pizza.  But this fudge - this was all for her.

This is Abby fudge.  Three of her flavorist things smashed together and called dessert.  I almost threw a thing of Chapstick in there for old times' sake but no, too far.  

Like its namesake, this fudge has a lot going for it.  First, it makes an absolutely wonderful breakfast.  Oops, I did that.  It has all the charm of peanut butter fudge but it is carried to the next level by the marshmallow cream and salty, crunchy pretzels.  It’s also really easy to make since half of it comes together in the microwave.  I love recipes like this. 

Peanut Butter Fudge with Homemade Marshmallow Fluff & Pretzels {Pedantic Foodie}

The homemade marshmallow fluff is where we put the majority of our minimal efforts, and that rich, vanilla flavor is unbeatable.  Yes, you could buy the stuff from the store, but come on, we are already using the microwave for part of this mess, so let’s put in a little bit of effort.

While the marshmallow is still warm, it is quickly swirled through the fudge before either becomes too stiff.  

Peanut Butter Fudge with Homemade Marshmallow Fluff & Pretzels {Pedantic Foodie}

After a couple hours in the fridge it is time to slice!

Peanut Butter Fudge with Homemade Marshmallow Fluff & Pretzels {Pedantic Foodie}

This fudge looks oh-so-pretty when wrapped up in a bit of tissue paper and gifted in a pretty silver tin.  The only drawback is that the pretzels can go stale quickly, so you should make this the day before you plan on giving it away and store it in an airtight container or in the freezer. 

Peanut Butter Fudge with Homemade Marshmallow Fluff & Pretzels {Pedantic Foodie}

Extra sister points - achieved.  Oh, and those last minute hostess gifts?  We solved that too. 

Peanut Butter Fudge with Homemade Marshmallow Fluff & Pretzels {Pedantic Foodie}


Pedantic Foodie

Peanut Butter Fudge with Homemade Marshmallow Fluff & Pretzels

fudge and marshmallow recipes adapted from Alton Brown

for the marshmallow cream

  • 1 package unflavored gelatin 
  • 1/2 cup ice cold water, divided
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar 
  • 1/2 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 

In the bowl of your stand mixer combine 1/4 cup ice water with gelatin.  

In a small saucepan combine remaining water, granulated sugar, corn syrup, and salt.  Cover and place over medium heat - cook for 3-4 minutes.  Uncover and attach a candy thermometer.  Cook for 7-8 minutes, until the syrup reaches 240 degrees F.  Remove from heat.  

Turn the mixer on low speed and pour the syrup into the gelatin mixture.  Once all the syrup is added increase the speed to high.  Beat for 13 minutes, until the mixture is very thick and fluffy.  In the last minute of beating add vanilla extract.  

While the marshmallow is beating, prepare fudge.

for the fudge

  • 1 cup smooth peanut butter 
  • 1 cup unsalted butter, at room temperature 
  • 4 cups confectioner’s sugar 
  • 1 recipe marshmallow cream
  • 1 cup pretzels (gluten-free, if desired)

Prepare an 8-inch baking pan by greasing it with butter and lining with parchment paper.  

In a large, microwave-safe bowl, combine peanut butter and butter.  Cook on high for 2 minutes, then stir and microwave for an additional two minutes. 

Quickly stir in vanilla and confectioner’s sugar.  The mixture will become hard and will lose its shine.  Working quickly, swirl in warm marshmallow cream before the mixture gets too hard.

Use a spatula to spread the fudge into the prepared pan and press pretzels into the fudge while it is still soft.  Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for two hours, until cool and hard.  

Cut the fudge into 1-inch pieces and store in an airtight container.  Enjoy!