Oh you guys, we've got some serious catching up to do.  First things first, whatcha drinkin'?  I kind of hope it's a unicorn frappuccino because that's the kind of unapologetic millennials that we are, but I have to warn you's super nasty. Yeah, I gave in and instantly regretted it. 

The Pedantic Foodie - The record of events of a young lady head-over-heels in love with food.

How was your Easter?  We had so much food and I'm not going to tell you how many helpings of the strawberry-pretzel-heaven dessert I ate.  Okay fine, it was three, but I'm not even a tiny bit sorry.  I also watched a bunch of tiny, chocolate-covered children roll around inside a huge ball and it was slightly agonizing because I really wanted everyone to go away so I could have a turn. Oh yeah, and then I came home and whacked my head on our freezer door and ended Easter in the ER with a minor concussion.

At first, I pretended that I wasn't totally spacing out and tried my darnedest to resist the effects of the nausea, but after forty-five minutes of waiting and no change, Mr. Pedantic scooted me out the door, ignoring my protests and cries of, "Ugh, I'm so stupid. This is so stupid. I hit my head all the time, I'm going to be fine. This isn't happening!"  Looking back, I have new respect for my husband and his ability to stay calm while I acted like a toddler who didn't want to take her medicine. 

A heck of a lot of waiting and a cat scan later, we returned home, and things were in full swing and back to normal by Tuesday.  I have to admit, I found my husband's nervousness and tender care so sweet, though I was slightly less than enchanted when same nervousness made me stay in bed Monday morning.  I really don''t like "taking it easy."  

Can we talk about warm-weather fashion? This summer, I'm keeping things really simple.  I am primarily sticking to loose sundresses, overalls, my beloved genie pants, and t-shirts, because I'm tired of having a ton of cute layers that I have to peel off after being out in the world for twenty minutes.  Also, I am ignoring my favorite wedges and I bought two pairs of comfy sandals.  My goal this year was to tailor my wardrobe to things that I can be productive in.  I want to be able to attend a meeting and then go out and garden or take a walk without changing in between activities. [Most] everything in my closet right now is comfortable enough to work in and cute enough to go out in. Summer dressing is finally clicking - it only took 22 years. 

I finally made these brownies that I have been dying to try for weeks.  They were really very good, albeit superrr rich.  I think I would like to substitute some of the baking chocolate with cocoa powder or milk chocolate, just to lighten things a bit. 

Do you follow Ivenoven on Instagram?  I am obsessed with her cakes, especially this one.  I need to start practicing my piping skills. 

Just more proof that vinegar is magic.

MirDinara released bunch of new prints this week and I think I have to have this one.  It will be hanging on my wall very soon.  

How precious is this vintage ring box?  I love all of Saint Signora’s treasures.  

Mr. Pedantic and I are trying to plan a holiday for this coming fall, so if anyone has any advice for traveling in Quebec please leave them in the comments or shoot me an email!  We would love to explore your favorite spots!  Or, maybe we should visit the best travel destination in the world instead.  Who gets to decide these things anyway? 

I feel like a batch of these banana muffins needs to happen this weekend.  I love having them for snacks and breakfasts throughout the week. 

Today marks six months of marriage for Mr. Pedantic and myself.  It’s gone so fast, and yet I hardly remember what it was like to not be married to him.  If you'd like to join me in my nostalgia, here is our wedding day

Happy, happy weekend to you!


Pedantic Foodie


Hey you!  Start smiling, running in place, or drinking more iced coffee than you know you should because *drumroll* it’s Friday!! 

COFFEE TALK {Pedantic Foodie}

I have had an adorably fluffy houseguest since Tuesday and we are just beginning to be friends.  I scared him at first with my vacuuming, then there was a smoke alarm incident and the garbage disposal...  Needless to say, it has taken us some time, but I have high hopes that hugs are on the horizon and the terror is nearly behind us.  His name is Benjamin, Benjamin Bunny. 

Mr. Pedantic and I are going to attempt to make brioche buns over tonight and tomorrow.  We will be using the “Rich Man’s Brioche” recipe from The Bread Baker's Apprentice and I could not be more excited.  There's such magic to bread-baking. When we were in London, our hotel was just around the corner from a darling little French bakery that sold the most incredible brioche buns.  We quickly got into the habit of picking up two or three each day before venturing out into the city.  We have high hopes that our home-baked versions will almost measure up, though it is hard to compete with the charm of a walking breakfast on a chilly, London morning.  

I am still planning on doing a full tour of Norwyk Manor, but each time I go to take the pictures I realize that I want to hang something there or move that around or…something.  Hence the absence of pictures.  One of our dining room walls is giving me particular trouble.  It definitely needs some pizazz and while I have considered mirrors, I am much more inclined to give into another beloved trend and go for something woven.  This piece is my current favorite, but I’m also eyeing this one and this one.  Etsy is a dangerous, wonderful world. 

Then again, I am tempted to try making my very own woven masterpiece.  I found a class, now I just have to find the time. Ha. Haha. 

Would you live here?  Part of me is screaming “yes, yes, yes!!!,” but the other part of me, who has already run out of prop storage in her own spacious apartment, is like “no way.”  They are adorable regardless. 

How gorgeous is this wallpaper?  I know it would make the prettiest nursery, but I am not entirely ruling it out as a bathroom possibility.  

I thought this was a fun read!  I liked matching up our budget to the recommended estimates.  It felt like a BuzzFeed quiz, but it seemed more meaningful than knowing which flavor of popsicle I am. Our monthly spending fell in between the thrifty and low cost categories for two adults, which surprised me.  I buy plenty of food and we typically have company once a week but usually have no problem staying within our budget.  I had actually considered it one of our more generous categories, so this made me feel a little better.  

I am thinking of adding a couple of these jars to my kitchen.  My pantry space is limited here at Norwyk Manor, and I think bringing out a few of my pantry essentials, such as chocolate and oats, would clear up some shelving space and bring some extra pretty to my counter space.  

We were just gifted a patio table and I am eager to begin bringing our outdoor space to life for quiet summer nights.  The table needs a coat of paint, and I’m eyeing this hue.  I am thinking in the realm of Edison string lights, plenty of potted herbs, and dusty purple accents.  Thoughts?  As much as I am not a fan of the summer heat, I do love having dinner outdoors on those warm, slow-going evenings.

How are your weekend plans shaping up?  I hope you are planning to bake cinnamon rolls, I really do.  Every weekend needs a good dose of cream cheese and carbs.  

Happy, happy Friday!


Pedantic Foodie. 


Well, here we are once again.  It is Friday and my heart is full of anticipation.  There is no containing my excitement when a double batch of mozzarella sticks and a trip to IKEA are on the horizon. 

Let's chat it up. 

COFFEE TALK {Pedantic Foodie}

I treated myself to this liner and this gloss this past weekend and I love it so much.  I know I’ve talked about the Urban Decay 24/7 lip liner before, but I have to mention it again because it really is so worth splurging on.  Honestly, you really do not even need a top coat.  It’s so smooth and it really does last all day.  Venom is a really pretty berry-pink and I’m obsessed with it.  I paired it with my Buxom gloss in Jane and I love the effect.  

It would seem I’ve been breaking some butter ground rules  Oops.  Also, I do not even remember the last time I bought salted butter.  I am an unsalted girl all the way. 

How do you feel about shopping for your groceries online?  I'm really not into it myself. While I have no doubt it would save some time, I relish my Monday afternoons of marketing.  It might sound pathetic, but grocery shopping is one of the things I look forward to most each week. I find inspiration in the produce section and I chat with my favorite cashier, and my favorite butcher with the charming New Jersey brogue.  However, for those of you who have to tote tiny people about with you, I can totally see the appeal of front door service. 

These shrimp. All the heart-eyed emojis. 

I baked up a batch of my favorite shortbread cookies this week and was reminded of how truly perfect they are.  I gifted half of the batch to a friend, but I have loved having a stash of my own to break into when I have my tea in the afternoons. 

Some eighteen years ago, my mother and aunts made these shamelessly elaborate sugar eggs and I remember huddling together in my Aunt Mere’s tiny galley kitchen with our piping bags and pompom chicks in hand as they were assembled.  This year, I was determined to indulge myself in some nostalgia, so my mother, sister, and I made half a dozen of these faux-faberge creations last weekend.  It was the sweetest of times (no pun intended) - sitting around the table with icing on our elbows and talking as we hollowed out our eggs and piped each delicate swirl.  I have not crafted much in the past several years, due primarily to a lack of time rather than desire, but I am now determined to delve back into some handicraft in 2017. 

I started by purchasing this pattern.  Not because I need a stuffed llama, but because it was just so cute I could not resist.  Besides, considering my background with sewing, I needed to make something I would not have to wear.  I’ll let you know how it turns out.  

I fell into a very dark, mysterious, and mentally exhausting rabbit hole this past week thanks to Joy's recommendation.  I listened to this podcast constantly and finished the 9-hour saga within two and a half days.  Of course, as I have explained to my husband, I was working the whole time I was listening and that makes it sound less pathetic.  Oh my, this story… It’s consumed ninety percent of my thoughts this week and to say I have been panicky might be an understatement.  I did full-on attack my husband when he unintentionally sneaked up behind me.  I’ve been watching the landscapers with suspicious eyes and wondering which is most likely to murder me.  It is not exactly healthy, and my husband has wisely suggested that I set aside the true crime podcasts for a bit, but now… Oh, I’m in deep, you guys.   

What are you up to this weekend?  May I suggest baking a batch of muffins and settling down with a cozy read, or a slightly terrifying podcast?

Happy, happy weekend! 


Pedantic Foodie