Yep, I did it.  The evidence was on Instagram so you know it’s official.  I finally made a unicorn cake - six layers of the most cloying sweet rainbow you ever did see.  I still hate making cakes, but I hated this one a lot less because, ah - it’s just so cute! 

COFFEE TALK {Pedantic Foodie}

New things are happening.  Sometimes it does not feel like they are, but they are nonetheless.  I step back and see changes in myself.  I watched this music video earlier this week and cried.  Right at 1:03pm I sat at my desk and cried.  Why?  I do not do that sort of least, I didn’t.  Are newlywed hormones a thing?  I really hope so because that would make me feel better about crying SO EASILY at every little sentimental thing since the wedding. 

I am thinking (read: begging Mr. Pedantic) about getting a bunny.  I’m home alone for the greater part of each week and I want someone to talk at.  I do not need it to talk back, I just need a listener and someone to occasionally make me feel needed.  Ice cream just hasn’t been cutting it lately. 

I made this salad for dinner last week and it was SO GOOD!  I have recently become a huge honey mustard fan. 

These are the prettiest sodas I ever did see. 

All my shoe dreams came true this week and then died within three hours because they instantly sold out.  These are the times when I really wish I was an impulse-buyer.  Maybe I'll just have to "settle" for these dreamy darlings.  I feel like a faux-sporty look is in my future, and I like that.

My mom has been trying to push me into her Aldi’s obsession for months and I have resisted…until now.  Now I am joining the band of reusable-grocery-bag-toting fans and keeping a quarter in my car at all times.  While it may not be able to compete with the charm of Trader Joe’s, if Food52 is on board, it must be hip.  

I've been thinking it is time to make croissants again.  Maybe almond this time?

What are your plans for this weekend?  I'm really looking forward to cleaning out the vehicles with Mr. Pedantic, which sounds frightfully boring...especially when it is typed out.

Happy, happy Friday!


Pedantic Foodie


Are you ready to do this weekend thing?  Of course you are.  You already have your fluffy socks on, don’t ya?  Proud of you. 

Coffee Talk {Pedantic Foodie}

The past week was relatively calm, but that by no means lessens my desire for some relaxation.  I've got my sights set on a nap and lots of indulgent eating.  Of course, considering that I'll be hosting a house of young men all weekend (Mr. Pedantic is having a gaming party), that may be wishful thinking.  But, after all, wishful thinking is what weekends are for. 

I'll be making another pot of this Irish Ale Potato Cheddar Soup for dinner on Sunday and I am so excited.  I do not know if I will ever be able to make "normal" potato soup again.  This version is just so perfect.  Also, while it's not finger food, it does have the beer and cheese factor so I'm pretty sure this passes as Super Bowl food. 

Speaking of that hallowed, buffalo sauce-fueled day, are you going to be watching the Super Bowl this Sunday?  I love football, not because I understand the smallest part of it, but because the sound of the game, the clapping and roaring of excited on-lookers, and the thrill of wings, chili, and all that is cheese-covered comforts my soul.  I used to love falling asleep on my father's lap to the sound of a game.  My head would bop up and down as he cheered, but though it was a tumultuous nap, it was my favorite kind.  Sadly, for many years my family lived just far enough out of the city to never have a consistent television signal, so most of our football viewing was dependent on whether or not we were invited to a party.  This year, Norwyk Manor will indeed be full of guests, but we too, lack access to the world of viewing that lies beyond Netflix. However, that will be no means stop me from partaking in any and every indulgent variation of game day food.  I'm looking at you, buffalo chicken beer cheese fondue fries and pretzel dogs. Ahhh, happiness...

I had been eyeing this pretty polish for about two weeks and I finally treated myself to it while I was marketing on Monday.  I love the plum-y pink hue, I feel like it is a perfect transition color for winter/spring.  I swear I did not purchase it solely for the name, though it was definitely an enticing factor.  

I am starting to feel the urge to add some new interests to my makeup routine.  I am really liking the plum hues right now and I'm so tempted to try pulling off this lipstick.  I am afraid I might be too pale for something that vibrant though.  

I bought this eyeshadow for my wedding and wore it all throughout my honeymoon.  I did not wear a whole lot of makeup most days, but I loved how one stroke of this ultra-shimmering shadow and a bit of mascara gave me a finished look without having to do much else.  I am still totally in love with the champagne hue, but I am thinking of trying out a new shade for a slightly brighter look. I am currently eyeing (pun intended) this one.  Before the wedding, I would have totally turned my nose up to a $21 case of eyeshadow, but I have to admit, it's totally worth the splurge. I have worn it consistently since the wedding and I am no where near finishing the container.  The best part though, is that while it is full of sparkle, you do not end up with glitter all over your face, which has been the case with every other glitter shadow I've tried.  Can you tell I like this product?

I loved this article.  It was such a cozy read.  As soon as I get my hands on some quality Assam tea, I am making a pot of this chai.  It has been far too long since I had a homemade cup of chai so I was delighted to stumble upon a recipe.  I can already taste the spicy ginger. 

I'm back on another floral kick (not that I ever got over the last one), and I am thinking I need to make myself a tablecloth with this fabric.  I realize that it is probably not the proper material for tablecloth-making, but I really love the pattern.

Mr. Pedantic and I are trying to learn Canasta.  My family played it for about six months straight many years ago, but I had entirely forgotten the rules.  It's been sweet to sit down with decks of cards in the evenings rather than remotes. 

Did you know that samoa gum is now a thing?  What a wonderful world we live in.

Wishing you the loveliest of weekends!


Pedantic Foodie


None of the products mentioned here were sponsored.  All were bought by me and any opinions given are my own.  I just love sharing what I like with you!  Thank you for reading!


We made it! 


It was a doozy of a week but we trudged through and now here we are, another Friday, ready to begin a much-needed mozzarella stick marathon.  It is perfectly allowed because on Monday I’ll be kicking back into gear with another salad recipe.  Around here, it is all about balance. 

Let me tell you about the magic of homemade mozzarella sticks.  Last week, I had a pan of these in my refrigerator, waiting to be fried up for Mr. Pedantic’s game night.  Now, I’m obsessed.  I never even liked mozzarella sticks, but I have not stopped thinking about them since.  It's the super-crunchy double coating of panko that grabs my heart.  This afternoon I’m making a double batch. 

Because of my recent mozzarella stick romance, I’m seriously considering purchasing a fryer.  I have always done the stove-top thing, but that also happens to be the reason I HATE frying.  The mess alone is enough to deter me, not to mention the huge amounts of oil I always end up throwing away.  I borrowed my mom’s miniature fryer last week and within five minutes of plugging it in, my oil was hot and ready to go.  The mess?  Well, it was pretty nonexistent.  I was sold!  I’ve got my eye on this model

Did you know you could buy assorted boxes of speciality sprinkles?  It’s like a tackle box, but for cupcakes.  I’m thinking I need a bottle of the purple pony party sprinkles for my Valentine’s day baking, not that I have any idea of what that will involve yet, but there is always room for sprinkles.

I made this spaghetti carbonara earlier this week and it was perfection.  I added peas in an attempt to get some green stuff into Mr. Pedantic.  AND…*drumroll* it worked!  He’s not really a vegetable guy so I take what I can get. 

Are you watching Victoria?  You really should be.  Every winter I return to all my historical dramas for a good dose of romance, scandal, and backstabbing - it always feels cozy to me. 

Did you know that EOS makes shimmer lip balm now?  I'm probably really late in discovering this, but it made my whole year, and it’s only January. 

So, confession time.  I’ve never tried matcha anything.  I know, I’m not sure how I dodged that fad, but I did, and I was not really too cut up about that.  However, this vibrant concoction has got me curious.  Will you try it if I do?  I need moral support when it comes to drinking green things with marshmallows on top. 

I’m planning on surprising the mister with monkey bread tomorrow morning.  Do you remember monkey bread?  Yeah, the wonderful cinnamon-covered the stuff your aunt used to make.  He’s never known the joy of pulling apart those gooey little bits of happiness and I think that needs to change. 

What are you up to this weekend?  Tell me all the things!


Pedantic Foodie