Quick Peach Frozen Yogurt

When was the last time you had frozen yogurt that actually tasted like, you know, yogurt?

Quick Peach Frozen Yogurt {Pedantic Foodie}

For me, it had been a while.

I have a tendency to fill my styrofoam cups with the frozen yogurt whose character has been entirely masked by flavors that have more of a five-year-old appeal, such as cake batter.  I also have a tendency to then cover my adulterated yogurt in at least twice as many rainbow sprinkles as would be reasonable.  Oops...they spilled? 

Quick Peach Frozen Yogurt {Pedantic Foodie}

While cake batter has its place, on hot summer afternoons a tangy, barely sweetened fro-yo cannot be beat. 

Quick Peach Frozen Yogurt {Pedantic Foodie}

This frozen yogurt is so straightforward that you really have no excuse not to treat yourself.  It all comes together in a matter of minutes with the help of your food processor. 

Quick Peach Frozen Yogurt {Pedantic Foodie}

I blanched and sliced 10-12 peaches a couple weeks ago and tucked them away in the freezer for just such an occasion. Using fruit that I froze myself always feels so satisfying. 

Quick Peach Frozen Yogurt {Pedantic Foodie}

The peaches are followed by thick, greek yogurt, and several spoonfuls of honey. 

Quick Peach Frozen Yogurt {Pedantic Foodie}

In a couple of minutes we have frozen yogurt.  

Why, why, WHY, have I not been doing this my whole life?!

I take no credit for this genius, it is purely a copycat move.  I saw Joy the Baker make a lemon-strawberry rendition several weeks ago on SnapChat and decided that it would be the perfect use for my frozen peach slices. 

Quick Peach Frozen Yogurt {Pedantic Foodie}

The tanginess of the yogurt is so refreshing alongside the sweet peaches. 

Quick Peach Frozen Yogurt {Pedantic Foodie}

While you could certainly freeze this yogurt for future enjoyment, it will become rock solid very quickly.  Because it has not been churned at all and has very little air, it loses it's soft texture and becomes icy in the freezer.  This fro-yo is best when enjoyed in its soft-serve state.  That's no problem in my world because I happen to be a big fan of instant gratification. 

If you would like a serving for one, feel free to half or quarter the recipe. 

Quick Peach Frozen Yogurt {Pedantic Foodie}

So now we know how to make instant fro-yo... You may decide whether that is a blessing or a curse.


Pedantic Foodie

Quick Peach Frozen Yogurt

serves 4

- 4 medium, ripe peaches - peeled, sliced, and frozen (about 4 cups)

- 1 cup unsweetened greek yogurt 

- 1/4 cup honey*

Place frozen peaches, yogurt, and honey in the work bowl of your food processor.  Pulse until smooth.  Serve immediately.  

Yes, it’s really that simple.  

*You can adjust the amount of honey based on your taste.  1/4 cup left it on the tangy side.