a very London kind of morning

Perhaps it seems odd to begin in the middle, but putting ten of the most beautiful days of my life into words has been a formidable challenge, and one that I am broaching slowly.  I can give you the travel guides and the gritty details of what I ate (um, literally everything in sight), but for now, all I want to give you is a few of my favorite hours.  A few, precious morning hours with my beloved.  So here we go. 

a very London kind of morning {Pedantic Foodie}

It was our next-to-last day in London.  He walked down to our newfound favorite breakfast spot - a tiny French bakery that sat just around the corner from our hotel.  He returned with three plump brioche buns as big as my face, in a paper bag -- two sugared and one with chocolate chips.  We ate them, our faces sticky with the caramelized sugar, as we walked to the gardens - Kensington Gardens.

It was our next-to-last day in London.  He walked down to our newfound favorite breakfast spot - a tiny French bakery that sat just around the corner from our hotel.  He returned with three plump brioche buns as big as my face in a paper bag, two su…

There was so much joy in my heart as we trotted down to the one place on earth that I had dreamt of visiting more than any other.

a very London kind of morning {Pedantic Foodie}

We walked through the gates and I am sure my smile nearly dislocated my jaw as I looked at Mr. Pedantic and exclaimed in an elated whisper, “We’re here!” 

There was a soft, autumnal hush that fell over the landscape - interrupted only by the swishing of blowing leaves, and Londoners whistling for their strangely obedient and leash-less dogs that pranced about the green in front of Kensington Palace. 

a very London kind of morning {Pedantic Foodie}

It was surreal and beautiful and breathtaking.  I found myself wishing, more than I had at any other point on that trip, that I too could own the privilege of visiting this English sanctuary for my morning walks and weekend picnics. 

a very London kind of morning {Pedantic Foodie}

Then, we saw it.  The statue.  The statue that I had so longed to see - a forever monument for the literary world’s dearest character. 

a very London kind of morning {Pedantic Foodie}

“Good morning, Peter.  I’ve been looking for you.”

a very London kind of morning {Pedantic Foodie}

I never wanted to leave.  

a very London kind of morning {Pedantic Foodie}

Now, as I sit here in my new home, where I am completely content, there is a aching sense of longing for those moments gone by.  I would live that morning over and over again forever, if only I could.  Having Mr. Pedantic there by my side, no trivial responsibilities to separate our hands or hearts -- only us.  That was the best of times.

our honeymoon in snapshots {Pedantic Foodie}

This morning I made breakfast that was not brioche buns.  He left me to go to work instead of the bakery.  I spent my morning hours working by the Christmas tree rather than walking through the park.  I guess this too, is the best of times. 


Pedantic Foodie

Hannah Everly kept me fashionable for our morning in the gardens and she would love to help you prepare for your holiday parties, or revamp your work wardrobe.  You can find this skirt as well as a full line of festive patterns in her shop now!    

the most lovely day...

“You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep
because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
- Dr. Seuss
My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

That quote has come to mind so many times over the past year, but it was never more true than the night before my wedding.  When giddiness took over exhaustion and I realized that my life was on the verge of changing forever. 

Today marks one month.  How that is possible I could not tell you.  My mind cannot even really process that statement.  I am not sure what has happened over the past four weeks, only that they have been truly splendid and I would live them all over again in a heartbeat...if only I could.

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

 It's all very emotional.  

That is the only answer I can really give at this point.  That is not to say that I am crying all the time.  I am actually continuing with life much like it has always been this way, but if I stop and think, the only sensation is one of being entirely overwhelmed.  Overwhelmed with joy, thankfulness, excitement, gratitude, and a dull ache for what has been lost.  As I said, it's emotional.  For now, as I still try to process all that has happened, photographs can communicate far more than words.  

I cannot stop staring at our pictures.  They just arrived Monday and I have never loved images more than I love these.  I never want to stop remembering the incredible feelings of that incredible day.  Not ever.  This Thanksgiving, I will have many blessings to give thanks for, but right now, as I gaze with blissful contentment at this computer screen, I am most thankful for the privilege of having moments in time forever frozen through images.  

So, here they are.  Our wedding day, or at least a glimpse of it. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

Pumpkin Chai for the bride, please and thank you. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

These are princess shoes.  Princess shoes that were bought one size too large, but I was determined to wear them regardless because they were just about the most beautiful slippers I have ever seen. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

I believe this was the moment where she finally realized who I was marrying.  Up until that moment she had thought Mr. Pedantic was simply my assistant.  I'm not saying she was wrong... 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

If you are feeling down, look into the mind of a three-year-old.  Things are far simpler there. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

We would like to give you a sneak peak of our latest album, "Ashlyn & The Glitterets."

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}


My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

Glitter skirts.  Dear friends.  Precious memories. 

Something old.  My great grandmother's mink stole. 

Something new.  The dress that I never wanted to take off.

Something borrowed.  My mother's necklace from her own wedding day.

Something blue.  My garter, made by my very talented aunt. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

All the heart eyes. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

One last hug for our smallest of friends. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

We did. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}
My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}

Happily ever after. 

My Wedding - Captured by Matthew Dejesus {Pedantic Foodie}


Pedantic Foodie

All photographs were captured by the very talented Matthew Dejesus.  He has frozen so many moments of our lives in time through his incredible work and we will be forever grateful. 

1 Week ! ! !

AHHHHHHHH!!!  Give me all the screaming face emojis. 

 I am getting married.  I am getting married in one week.  

(Actually, the one week mark was yesterday, but I wanted to write this post on the one week mark, not before.)

1 Week!!!!! {Pedantic Foodie}

I am sorry if all this wedding talk is getting old, but we are almost done, I promise.  In fact, this is the last planned installment.  Sniff, sniff. 

Back in the summer, when I first decided to record the progress of this wedding chaos, I did so out of a desire to preserve.  I want to be able to look back and read what was going through my mind and confirm that it was mostly just a bunch of screaming emojis, happy heart eyes, and a few slightly annoyed eye rolls.  I know there are at least seven of you that have been reading these posts with utter delight and giddy intrigue.  I know, because that's exactly how I would be. I love getting all up in your business, so please, feel free to get all up in mine.  Whether or not I have googled you is the measure of how much I like your blog.  It's a nosiness motivated by dreams of imaginary friendship...and it is so much less creepy than it sounds. 

So, this wedding.  I've been planning it for nearly a year.  My person (lately I cannot seem to call him his actual name, it's all coming out in weird, sometimes grossly fifth grade nicknames and I am like "woah, why did that leave my mouth?!") and I got engaged on October 29th of last year, and on October 21st we will marry.  So, for 351 days I have been planning, anticipating, and gushing over this great event. 

As a child, I would always feel slightly ill on the first day of vacation, Christmas morning, or any long-awaited event.  I live off of anticipation, so when the treasure is finally in reach, my only wish is to go back.  I do not want to begin, because I do not want to end.

It is a bad habit that I am trying to conquer with Pinterest quotes that tell me to live in the moment.  It's bad, in that it often snatches away some of the joy of the event itself because I am so afraid of it being over. 

I knew this about myself when I became engaged, which is why I planned my wedding just before Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and all of those lovely distractions.  Despite my preparations, my melancholy prophesies are already beginning to come true as the great day approaches.  All of the planning, tears, and delights that have been planted over this year are about to blossom into this glorious day and then...what?  Then I get to go on an incredible honeymoon with an incredible man that I love and begin an exciting new normal.  So much excitement still looms on the horizon, and yet I cannot help begging the days to slow down.  This year has been so much fun.  I have loved being engaged.  It has been the best time of my life.  All the anxiety and uncertainty that came with dating faded, and our time together was untouched by the harshness of shared bills, or health insurance.  It has been practically the best of both worlds and I have truly cherished it.  Though I have no doubt that marriage bring its own set of thrills, I believe that there is something about engagement that is truly special.  It gives much security, without the full responsibility.  

That said, I am immensely excited to get married.  In most ways, very ready and prepared.  In other ways, slightly terrified.  That's kind of a pattern with me and my life choices.  

Sunday my sweetheart and I went out on our last unmarried date.  Tomorrow will be our last Sunday at our lovely little church - the place of our meeting - before we become and Mr. & Mrs.. In the past two years there have been so many firsts, and now, as we broach this great event, there are so many lasts.  

Now for the details!

I find myself shrieking with joy every couple of hours because "Ahh!  I'm getting married!".    

I have my rehearsal outfit picked out and my going away outfit hanging in the closet.  My suitcase is mostly packed, aside from things like makeup, and toothbrushes, and my favorite pair of jeans that I'll probably wash the night before the wedding so I can keep wearing them every single day. 

I am cheating majorly and buying frozen croissants for our post-wedding breakfast.  Can you believe that?  Oddly enough, I didn't seem to have a spare eight hours to make my own puff pastry the week before my wedding.  I might feel worse about that if those Trader Joe's croissants weren't so ridiculously good.  

The mister has a new rain coat and he sent me these dreamy Hunter rain boots.  Can you guess where we are going?  No, not to the rainforest!  Geez... Why would I ever choose to be around spiders and snakes?!  Keep guessing. 

Flowers are ordered and I am so excited to hold my bouquet.  If you haven't gathered my enthusiasm for flowers from my instagram feed, I happen to really, really like flowers.  Like, my closet floor is covered in silk roses right now that will be suspended from the ceiling, and I have two massive orders of fresh flowers to pick up Thursday morning.  Give me all the flowers!

I have practiced my makeup at least half a dozen times and my confidence in doing it is now at a solid 70%.  I'm not even that confident in my ability to walk without tripping most days, so I think we are in a good place. 

Here we are.  Last night, I said goodbye to a whole bunch of very special people that I will not see again until the rehearsal and it felt so strange.  I know so much will stay the same, but at the same time, it never will be what it was.  It's a wonderful, blissful, dreamy kind of different...but different was always a frightening word to me. 

Here we go.  Six days.  A much more approachable to-do list.  A groom I adore.  It's beginning to look a lot like wedding time.


Pedantic Foodie