Well, here we are once again.  It is Friday and my heart is full of anticipation.  There is no containing my excitement when a double batch of mozzarella sticks and a trip to IKEA are on the horizon. 

Let's chat it up. 

COFFEE TALK {Pedantic Foodie}

I treated myself to this liner and this gloss this past weekend and I love it so much.  I know I’ve talked about the Urban Decay 24/7 lip liner before, but I have to mention it again because it really is so worth splurging on.  Honestly, you really do not even need a top coat.  It’s so smooth and it really does last all day.  Venom is a really pretty berry-pink and I’m obsessed with it.  I paired it with my Buxom gloss in Jane and I love the effect.  

It would seem I’ve been breaking some butter ground rules  Oops.  Also, I do not even remember the last time I bought salted butter.  I am an unsalted girl all the way. 

How do you feel about shopping for your groceries online?  I'm really not into it myself. While I have no doubt it would save some time, I relish my Monday afternoons of marketing.  It might sound pathetic, but grocery shopping is one of the things I look forward to most each week. I find inspiration in the produce section and I chat with my favorite cashier, and my favorite butcher with the charming New Jersey brogue.  However, for those of you who have to tote tiny people about with you, I can totally see the appeal of front door service. 

These shrimp. All the heart-eyed emojis. 

I baked up a batch of my favorite shortbread cookies this week and was reminded of how truly perfect they are.  I gifted half of the batch to a friend, but I have loved having a stash of my own to break into when I have my tea in the afternoons. 

Some eighteen years ago, my mother and aunts made these shamelessly elaborate sugar eggs and I remember huddling together in my Aunt Mere’s tiny galley kitchen with our piping bags and pompom chicks in hand as they were assembled.  This year, I was determined to indulge myself in some nostalgia, so my mother, sister, and I made half a dozen of these faux-faberge creations last weekend.  It was the sweetest of times (no pun intended) - sitting around the table with icing on our elbows and talking as we hollowed out our eggs and piped each delicate swirl.  I have not crafted much in the past several years, due primarily to a lack of time rather than desire, but I am now determined to delve back into some handicraft in 2017. 

I started by purchasing this pattern.  Not because I need a stuffed llama, but because it was just so cute I could not resist.  Besides, considering my background with sewing, I needed to make something I would not have to wear.  I’ll let you know how it turns out.  

I fell into a very dark, mysterious, and mentally exhausting rabbit hole this past week thanks to Joy's recommendation.  I listened to this podcast constantly and finished the 9-hour saga within two and a half days.  Of course, as I have explained to my husband, I was working the whole time I was listening and that makes it sound less pathetic.  Oh my, this story… It’s consumed ninety percent of my thoughts this week and to say I have been panicky might be an understatement.  I did full-on attack my husband when he unintentionally sneaked up behind me.  I’ve been watching the landscapers with suspicious eyes and wondering which is most likely to murder me.  It is not exactly healthy, and my husband has wisely suggested that I set aside the true crime podcasts for a bit, but now… Oh, I’m in deep, you guys.   

What are you up to this weekend?  May I suggest baking a batch of muffins and settling down with a cozy read, or a slightly terrifying podcast?

Happy, happy weekend! 


Pedantic Foodie


Fridays always seem to lie on the verge of absolute chaos, or emptiness and unsurity.  Last weekend really began Thursday afternoon, and was an unstoppable whirlwind until Sunday evening.  This weekend, however, there is a rather depressing, yet exciting void on the calendar.  No doubt that void conceals great amounts of laundry, but there are no great plans in the works as of yet, and I find myself quite happy with that. 

COFFEE TALK {Pedantic Foodie}

The lunacy of last weekend left me with an extra cozy amount of pocket money, so I indulged myself and bought a pair of overalls.  I bought said pair of overalls online, which may have been a mistake.  Thank goodness for return policies if it turns out that the seemingly large pockets do not do the backside of me any favors.  

I want to go really simple with my make-up during the warmer months of this year, and then try my darnedest to pull off a really bold lip.  I am smitten with this option right now but I cannot bring myself to press the “checkout” button quite yet…probably because my sister told me that there is no way I can pull it off.  On the other hand, my three-year-old flower girl was totally on board so I think it’s clear whose advice I should follow. 

This was probably the best thing I have read in weeks.  I think the Queen and I would get along splendidly.  As I was reading about her Highness’s two-fold breakfast, I realized that I often indulge in my own version of jentacular in the wee hours of the morning, though it is somewhat reversed.  Lately, I have been making my own breakfast along with Mr. Pedantic’s and taking it back to bed with me after I send him out the door.  Then, when I re-awaken at a more decent hour (i.e. 7am), I grab a cup of tea and a stray cookie (if I’m lucky), before heading out the door myself.  If it’s good enough for the Queen… 

Speaking of breakfast, I made these pancakes for dinner last night and I had completely forgotten how incredible they are.  Please, let them be apart of your weekend.  Maybe top them with a spoonful of whipped cream and lemon curd while you are at it.  

I might have picked out this candle solely because of the color, but I am now IN LOVE with this fragrance.  I love the fact that it is just floral enough to be springy, but not overly flowery.  

Have you seen this dreamy, fairytale-inspired soup pot?  I definitely need another pot.  I really do… 

I really liked this article, especially because I realized I am already practicing four out of the five steps pretty consistently.  It was a nice mid-week pat on the back.  Now that I am in the habit of grocery shopping consistently each week, I have to stay really organized.  Grocery shopping has had to become a strategic venture, but I’ve found that I enjoy it even more now.  On Sunday evening, I try to plan out my meals for the week, evaluate my pantry, then make my list and embark upon the markets Monday afternoon.  I have been using this app for the past couple of months and I am really happy with it - mostly because I can organize my categories by color.  It is a little too easy to delete items from your list though, so be careful of careless swiping.  Realizing that you accidentally crossed out your chocolate covered almonds is quite depressing. 

My greatest enemy to efficiency in grocery shopping has been my own pickiness.  I am trying to stick to only visiting three stores when I shop, but I have not been able to narrow it down any further.  Right now, it’s Aldi’s, Trader Joe’s, and Target (for non-grocery stuff).  I occasionally throw in Fresh Market, depending on my protein needs for the week.  It’s no surprise that it takes me about three hours each week to shop for two people.  However, I know what I like from each store and I actually find the shopping rather relaxing. 

I think I just wrote two paragraphs about grocery shopping.  I am not sure when I have ever sounded so house-wifey.  Weirdness.

Please do not hate me for totally jumping the gun, but, for those of you who will be planning Easter menus, may I suggest these Cinnamon Sugar Cheese Buns

Wishing you a wonderful donut-fueled weekend!


Pedantic Foodie


There have been several days lately where the weather has teased my fair city into thinking that spring has made her anticipated arrival and the doldrums of winter are at an end.  I look around in cynical suspicion at the young hopefuls donning shorts and sporting sandals who soon will be disappointed by the 30 degree weather that will undoubtably greet them the following morning.  

COFFEE TALK {Pedantic Foodie}

Do not mistake me, I have enjoyed driving with the windows down and taking evening walks with Mr. Pedantic, but I choose to take these warmer days simply as pleasant oddities, rather than a permanent goodbye to frosty mornings and cozy afternoons.  I do not like beginning seasons before their time has truly come.  (Unless we are talking about Christmas and then you can count me among the October carol-listeners.)  Nonetheless, the handful of warmer days have lifted me out of my unproductive stupor and I am once again feeling inspired, motivated, and interested in eating something besides bacon and M&Ms.  Now that something may be nothing other than fried ravioli (ohmygoodness the best thing in the world - I'll be sharing the recipe soon), or this baked ziti that looks amazing right now, but it's still progress.  It would seem that the February funk is finally at an end.  Cue the celebratory trumpets. 

This week has been "find that allergen" week here at Norwyk Manor.  I've been waking up feeling as if I had a horrible case of poison ivy in my throat, wishing I could scratch my eyes and nose off my face permanently, and sneezing about 43 times in a row.  We just had our bedroom windows replaced about two weeks ago and I have still not been able to entirely eliminate the smell of whatever the contractor used to seal them.  Considering that my breathing incapabilities begin when I go to bed at night and are worst in the mornings, I've concluded that the mysterious window glue is my enemy.  So, I'm keeping the windows open, and thereby turning Norwyk Manor into a veritable igloo until the fumes are gone.  I'm also rubbing a lot of peppermint oil on the outside of my throat which strangely brings relief, though I am not entirely sure it is recommended.  It just feels soooo nice.  Gateway oil alert. 

Last weekend I tried Matcha for the first time ever.  I heated a combination of coconut cream and water, poured in several spoonfuls of cane sugar, and added that deceivingly pretty green powder.  I sat the cup down in front of Mr. Pedantic, who really tried to be gracious, but once I gave him leave to be honest we both agreed that the overall flavor was...GRASS.  Sweet, slightly coconut-flavored grass, but still grass.  I'm really, really not into it.  I'm going to give these cookies a try, but my hopes are not high.  I'm feeling like Matcha is just one of those things you either love or hate.  However, I have quite the supply of powder now so any and all tips/recipes are much appreciated.

On second thought, forget the Matcha, I think I would rather have this bread.  I read in the comments that someone added a bit of almond extract and now it's settled - I have to make it.  I love almond extract so much.  I have never quite gotten over Yankee Candle discontinuing the almond cookie candle - it was my favorite. 

How far will my obsession with making everything homemade go?  Well, I just saved these two recipes (Homemade Oreos and Homemade Goldfish) in the “to try” files so…yep.  Pretty far. 

I am so excited to try these cookies.  I’m a bit of a pistachio fanatic (I’m sure you haven’t noticed).  I want to surprise my gluten-free sister with a big plate of these sometime soon.  I prefer making her things that are naturally gluten-free because well… my experience with flour substitutes has been less than astounding. 

I’ve been listening to a whole lot of Doo-Wop music lately and binging heavily on Call the Midwife.  I am actually actively trying to find laundry to do, just so I can have an excuse to sit down and watch another episode while I fold the clothes very…slowly…  It is pathetic, but my crazy brain won’t let me actually relax unless I feel like I am still accomplishing something. 

Wishing you lots of guilt-free relaxing this weekend! Happy, happy Friday!


Pedantic Foodie