Oh you guys, we've got some serious catching up to do.  First things first, whatcha drinkin'?  I kind of hope it's a unicorn frappuccino because that's the kind of unapologetic millennials that we are, but I have to warn you's super nasty. Yeah, I gave in and instantly regretted it. 

The Pedantic Foodie - The record of events of a young lady head-over-heels in love with food.

How was your Easter?  We had so much food and I'm not going to tell you how many helpings of the strawberry-pretzel-heaven dessert I ate.  Okay fine, it was three, but I'm not even a tiny bit sorry.  I also watched a bunch of tiny, chocolate-covered children roll around inside a huge ball and it was slightly agonizing because I really wanted everyone to go away so I could have a turn. Oh yeah, and then I came home and whacked my head on our freezer door and ended Easter in the ER with a minor concussion.

At first, I pretended that I wasn't totally spacing out and tried my darnedest to resist the effects of the nausea, but after forty-five minutes of waiting and no change, Mr. Pedantic scooted me out the door, ignoring my protests and cries of, "Ugh, I'm so stupid. This is so stupid. I hit my head all the time, I'm going to be fine. This isn't happening!"  Looking back, I have new respect for my husband and his ability to stay calm while I acted like a toddler who didn't want to take her medicine. 

A heck of a lot of waiting and a cat scan later, we returned home, and things were in full swing and back to normal by Tuesday.  I have to admit, I found my husband's nervousness and tender care so sweet, though I was slightly less than enchanted when same nervousness made me stay in bed Monday morning.  I really don''t like "taking it easy."  

Can we talk about warm-weather fashion? This summer, I'm keeping things really simple.  I am primarily sticking to loose sundresses, overalls, my beloved genie pants, and t-shirts, because I'm tired of having a ton of cute layers that I have to peel off after being out in the world for twenty minutes.  Also, I am ignoring my favorite wedges and I bought two pairs of comfy sandals.  My goal this year was to tailor my wardrobe to things that I can be productive in.  I want to be able to attend a meeting and then go out and garden or take a walk without changing in between activities. [Most] everything in my closet right now is comfortable enough to work in and cute enough to go out in. Summer dressing is finally clicking - it only took 22 years. 

I finally made these brownies that I have been dying to try for weeks.  They were really very good, albeit superrr rich.  I think I would like to substitute some of the baking chocolate with cocoa powder or milk chocolate, just to lighten things a bit. 

Do you follow Ivenoven on Instagram?  I am obsessed with her cakes, especially this one.  I need to start practicing my piping skills. 

Just more proof that vinegar is magic.

MirDinara released bunch of new prints this week and I think I have to have this one.  It will be hanging on my wall very soon.  

How precious is this vintage ring box?  I love all of Saint Signora’s treasures.  

Mr. Pedantic and I are trying to plan a holiday for this coming fall, so if anyone has any advice for traveling in Quebec please leave them in the comments or shoot me an email!  We would love to explore your favorite spots!  Or, maybe we should visit the best travel destination in the world instead.  Who gets to decide these things anyway? 

I feel like a batch of these banana muffins needs to happen this weekend.  I love having them for snacks and breakfasts throughout the week. 

Today marks six months of marriage for Mr. Pedantic and myself.  It’s gone so fast, and yet I hardly remember what it was like to not be married to him.  If you'd like to join me in my nostalgia, here is our wedding day

Happy, happy weekend to you!


Pedantic Foodie


Hey there friend!  Do you have your iced coffee in hand?  Oh, you are already on your third cadbury egg of the day?  Well played, well played. 

{Pedantic Foodie}
These pretty little eggs were hand-painted by my cousin.  She's amazing.

Over the past eight days Norwyk Manor has gone through a rigorous process my mother used to call “spring cleaning.”  It feels like my little abode went on a juice cleanse. The sock drawer opens without coaxing and no longer makes me nauseous.  The sweaters have been packed away and the sundresses hung in deliberate rainbow order.  The floor of Mr. Pedantic’s vehicle is actually visible now that I finally bid those lifeless after-wedding balloons goodbye.  It has felt so good.  So much better than a juice cleanse actually feels and far less painful.  I am even getting better at purging.  I mean, I still cringed when I had to throw away the empty toiletries we had taken on our honeymoon, but I did it and that is what matters.  Sentiment versus minimalism - it’s my constant battle. 

So...Easter!  It's been the primary topic around here all week.  Are you hosting or attending this year? I heard tell that my aunt is making that retro strawberry jello/pretzel dessert and that is pretty much the most exciting news I have heard all month. 

I am not sure if I will actually get around to painting eggs this year.  I think I lost track of time with all of the cleaning and organizing and now I am wondering if it is too late.  Nonetheless, I was ogling ideas on Pinterest and these were my top favorites. (One, two & three.)

I am not generally one for gimmicky desserts, but even I must admit that these pavlovas are pretty adorable.

I felt affirmed in my affections when I read this.  That is, without a doubt, my favorite butter.  Also, why have I never done a butter tasting?  Bucket list. 

I told you the obsession was inevitable… I really want to try this Honeydew-Basil Agua Fresca.

Nothing excites me more than learning a new piece of culinary heritage.  This article was wonderfully written.  On a similar note, I think I may need to add this book to my library. 

These tiny Easter cakes have been calling my name all week.  Petit fours are one of my greatest weaknesses but I have never delved into making them myself.  Spring project?

Is your ham ready to bake?  Are you making this quiche for breakfast or this cake for dessert?  Whatever you are doing this weekend, I hope it involves much celebration, food and family.  Happy, happy Easter!


Pedantic Foodie



Friday!  It’s finally here! 

I got a new EOS lip balm this week so I clearly have nothing to complain about.  Truly, I can be just as delighted by a $3 container of chapstick as I would be about a designer handbag.  I just like having something new.  

COFFEE TALK {Pedantic Foodie}

While this might sound like a blessing, over the many years I have discovered that it can become a curse just as easily.  If these moments of happiness are so affordable then there is little to stop me from picking up a dose of joy each time I go out into the world, thereby training myself that my state of mind is dependent upon the newness of things.   

I know, it was heavy thought for a Friday, but a good reminder to myself that while a new lip balm is innocent enough, self-denial can be a helpful tool in fostering contentment.  

Of course, if you are in need of a new lip balm, may I suggest EOS Lemon Twist?  It smells so good and I kind of want to eat it. 

Now, for the coffee talk.  Do you have a latte in hand?  If so, I hope it is this latte

Shoutout to my sister because it is her birthday today and she is even better than peanut butter and chocolate combined.  Yes, really, it's possible. 

I am not sure why the world is mad at the hand salad, but I happen to think it’s a pretty fabulous idea, especially for the summer.  I’d happily grab a wedge of romaine over the dry carrots and raw broccoli from that boring crudites. 

I finally bought and planted my herbs Tuesday afternoon and so far they are still surviving which is a miracle in itself.  Green fingers crossed!  

Well, I know how I am going to be relaxing this summer.  Downton Abbey coloring book.

After months of anticipating, I finally received Joy's gorgeous brunch book and I had such a hard time deciding what to make first.  There are so many tempting recipes and I adore the direction she went with this book.  It’s educational, inventive, and approachable.  I finally decided upon two recipes which were so delicious and I cannot wait to share them with you next week!

I am so ready to pull out all the fancy drinks and start making use of my over abundant paper straw collection.  I am still in love with this papaya lemonade spritzer and my favorite watermelon slushies but I am wanting to try my hand at horchata.  Do you have a favorite recipe? 

I really want to get two of these pictures for my dining room.  I am also adding one of these letter boards to my mental wish list.  I feel like this would be a fun way to leave daily notes for Mr. Pedantic or to display favorite quotations/verses.

I’d take a spaghetti donut if you handed it to me.  I would pretty much take anything covered in marinara and parmesan though, let’s be honest. 

How are your weekend plans shaping up?  Is this looking like a lazy weekend or a productive one?  Maybe a little of both?  Cool, cool. I like how you roll. 


Pedantic Foodie