Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail

I know I am an incurably fickle lady, and that my stance on this subject will likely change a million times over, but right now, at this moment, if I had but one meal left to eat on this earth, it would be this gloriously-creamy macaroni and cheese.  With a side of seared scallops, of course. 

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

Several weeks ago I had the best sandwich of my life.  Carbs covered in cheese and stuffed inside more carbs.  We were star-crossed from the start. 

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

Though the idea of a pasta sandwich immediately enthralled me, there were so many ways to go wrong.  But that sandwich, that life-changing sandwich danced around every possible error and glided past the finish line of perfection.  If it is possible to fall in love with two slices of bread, that definitely happened to me. 

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

You may remember the time where my sweetheart and I set out to discover the very best macaroni and cheese, and I still LOVE the recipe that we declared to be our favorite.  However, when I tried that macaroni and cheese, at a tiny little bistro, I suddenly realized that our macaroni and cheese needed the "something extra" that was taking their version past wonderful and into the realm of culinary perfection. 

The secret was and is truffle oil.  

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie} I am obsessed. 

If you see me snapchatting truffle oil-enchanced cereal please call for help.  

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

I know I am getting so many eye rolls for this, and I know a huge percentage of chefs would throw that little bottle right into the trash.  But darn it, I love what truffle oil can bring to the table when it is used reservedly. 

That counts double when you are using it with cheese.  Truffle oil almost has the flavor of a very strong rind from an aged cheese.  It's earthy, potent, and slightly musty - but not in a grandmother's basement kind of way.  It just lifts the already wonderful flavors of your cheeses to the next level. 

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

The base of this recipe is identical to my original macaroni and cheese, except that this is the stovetop version, which translates to super creamy. 

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

Oh, how do I love brie?  Let me count the wheys.  HA!  Haha!  

My dad is laughing right now.  We might be the only ones, but that's okay. 

Like all things that are smooth and creamy, this cheese sauce begins with a roux.  

You remember how to make a roux, right?  Butter is melted, flour is whisked in, and then they cuddle together in the hot pan for a bit, until the raw flour flavor has cooked off.  Whole milk is slowly whisked in and then seasoned with salt, pepper, and nutmeg.  After the sauce has thickened, the shredded gruyere and cubed brie are stirred in.  

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

Because this macaroni and cheese did not already seem indulgent enough, I added lobster tails.  

I steamed my lobster tails, and then soaked them in a mixture of rich, French butter, and reduced Sauvignon Blanc. 

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

The lobster turned into buttery, wine-soaked pillows.

Oh if you only knew the torture of knowing how wonderful this dish is, and having to stare at these pictures, but not being able to eat it.


I used a large, ridged macaroni for this dish and I preferred it so much over the standard elbow variety for soaking up this glorious cheese sauce. 

Dear Santa, I'd like a hot tub full of this macaroni and cheese, please.  

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

Ahhhh, I died. 

I used two, good sized lobster tails for this recipe, and it was enough.  Of course, is there ever really enough lobster?  Um, no.  

Next time, I might opt for four tails.  Why not?

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

Did anything ever look more sumptuous?

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

I am already planning to make this for our first wedding anniversary.  What's better than celebrating one love affair with another?

Not a single thing.

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail {Pedantic Foodie}

I should probably just stop blogging now, there's no way it will get better than this.


Pedantic Foodie

Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese with Lobster Tail

serves 8

for the lobster

- 10 ounces lobster tail meat (2 medium-sized tails)

- 1/4 cup Sauvignon Blanc 

- 2 tablespoons salted european butter 

Prepare your lobster by cutting through the top part of its shell (the smooth, curved side) with a sturdy pair of kitchen shears.  Cut a slit down the center, starting at the top of the tail, and stopping when you get to the fanned part of the tail. 

Fill a sauté pan with about 1/4-inch water.  In my pan, that was three cups of water.  

Place the pan over medium-heat heat and bring to a simmer.  Add lobster tails and reduce heat to medium.  Cook, covered, for 8 minutes. 

Remove the tails from the water and allow to cool before removing the shells.

Cut the meat into 1/4-inch cubes.  

In a small frying pan, slightly reduce 1/4 cup of Sauvignon Blanc over medium-high heat.  After about 3-4 minutes of heavy simmering, reduce the heat to low and stir in butter.  Once the butter has melted, remove the pan from the heat and toss the chopped lobster in the sauce.  

for the macaroni & cheese

- 1 pound dry macaroni 

- 3 tablespoons unsalted butter

- 1/4 cup all-purpose flour

- 1 teaspoon fine salt 

- 1/8 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg

- freshly ground black pepper 

- 3 cups whole milk 

- 8 ounces double or triple cream brie, cut into cubes and rind removed 

- 1 1/2 cups gruyere, grated 

- 1/2 teaspoon quality black truffle oil

Bring a large pot of generously salted water to a boil and cook your macaroni for about 10 minutes, until it is just al dente.  While the pasta is cooking, prepare the cheese sauce.  

Heat whole milk until warm.  

In a large sauté pan, melt butter over medium-high heat.  Sprinkle in flour whisk to form a roux.  Cook, whisking constantly for 2-3 minutes.  When the roux has become slightly golden, add salt, pepper, and nutmeg.  While continuing to whisk constantly, slowly stream in warmed milk.  

Bring the sauce to a simmer and reduce heat to medium.  Cook for 5-7 minutes, until thickened.  Remove from heat and stir in brie and grated gruyere.  When all the cheese has melted, taste the sauce and adjust salt and pepper, if necessary.  Stir in truffle oil. 

Add your strained, cooked macaroni to the cheese sauce and stir to coat the pasta in the sauce.  Toss in the lobster, along with its cooking liquid and serve immediately.  Enjoy! 

Brie Macaroni and Cheese

When two people who love cheese start scheming, good things invariably happen.  

A fellow turophile and myself decided back in January that 2015 would be the year that we discovered and collected the very best macaroni and cheese recipes.  Several pounds of macaroni and a staggering amount of cheese later, and we are several recipes deep into our experiment. 

Brie Macaroni and Cheese {Pedantic Foodie}


Though it was not in our collection of esteemed recipes to try, we knew that Brie had to make its way into our macaroni and cheese bonanza somehow.  So, on a whim one Sunday afternoon, we made a spontaneous trip to the market and spent the evening dreaming up and preparing the perfect macaroni and cheese with Brie as the star. 

(If you are not yet aware that Brie is the goddess of the cheese world, then allow me to convince you with this recipe.)

Brie Macaroni & Cheese {Pedantic Foodie}

Our attempt was a triumphant one. 

I love when success is achieved on the first try.  It’s one of those rare but cherished happenings that puts a little spring in your step and encourages you to seek out new challenges.

Brie Macaroni & Cheese {Pedantic Foodie}

This macaroni and cheese is everything it should be.  The sauce is rich and creamy and the top is crisp and golden.  The brie flavor is elegantly present and it pairs perfectly alongside the sharp flavor of gruyere.

Brie Macaroni & Cheese {Pedantic Foodie}

We topped our ramekins of rich, Brie-y goodness with buttery, Panko breadcrumbs which I flavored with a bit of thyme.  This bright herb pairs so well with the richness of the Brie. 

Brie Macaroni & Cheese 6.jpg

Though our quest is by no means at an end, we have certainly found our favorite recipe starring our favorite cheese. 

Brie Macaroni & Cheese {Pedantic Foodie}

Last week I gave you cupcakes and this week it’s macaroni and cheese.  It’s clear that we are on the best kind of diet. 

Brie Macaroni and Cheese {Pedantic Foodie}

Happy Wednesday friends!  I hope you all are getting your fill of fresh flowers and cute sandals.  


   Pedantic Foodie

P.S. If you happen to have a macaroni and cheese recipe that is just over-the-top fantastic, please feel free to share it in the comments!

Brie Macaroni and Cheese 


makes 10 small ramekins 

for the topping 

  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter 
  • 1 cup Panko bread crumbs 
  • 1 teaspoon chopped thyme, leaves removed from stems

In a medium frying pan, melt butter over medium heat.  Add thyme and cook for about 1 minute.  Add bread crumbs and toss thoroughly to coat.  Remove from heat and set aside.  

for the macaroni  

  • 1/2 pound elbow macaroni 
  • 3 cups whole milk 
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 8 ounces double or triple cream Brie, rind removed and cut into cubes
  • 1 1/2 cups grated Gruyere 
  • 1 teaspoon fine salt 
  • 1/8 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg 
  • freshly ground black pepper

Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  

Bring a large saucepan of generously salted water to a boil and cook pasta for about 10 minutes, until just under al dente.  While the pasta is cooking, prepare the cheese sauce.  

In a medium saucepan heat milk until warm.  

In a large saucepan melt butter over medium-high heat.  Sprinkle in flour and stir to form a paste.  Cook, stirring frequently for 2-4 minutes.  When the paste has become slightly golden, add salt, pepper, nutmeg, and warmed milk.  Stir to combine.  

Bring to a simmer and cook for 5-7 minutes, until thickened.  Remove from heat and add cheeses.  Stir until fully melted.  Stir in pasta.  

Divide the macaroni and cheese amongst the ramekins.  Top each ramekin with prepared bread crumbs and place on a large baking sheet. 

Bake for 15-20 minutes, until the tops are deep golden brown and the sauce is bubbling.  

Allow to cool slightly before serving*.  Enjoy!

*This macaroni and cheese is just as good reheated!  If you do not plan on consuming these straight out of the oven, under-bake them a bit and wrap with plastic wrap before storing in the fridge.  When you are ready to serve them, return them to the oven and bake for the remaining time.