Christmas in Review

Hey there!

I am sorry for disappearing for like...a week.  I know that is terrible blogger etiquette and that some of you have probably already given up on my return, considering that a week of absence in internet-land in basically thirty years.  To those of you who are still around, thank you.  I will not apologize anymore, because I'm trying to get a head start on one of my resolutions - not apologizing for doing what I know is right.  And, after about four meltdowns in a matter of days, I knew taking a little break was right. 

As much as blogging is my life, there are other components of life that creep in and we suddenly find ourselves waking up at 5am to make breakfast for 22 strangers when we really just wanted to stay in our Christmas pajamas and cuddle with the Mr. Pedantic in our lives. 

But, enough of that. Let's talk about Christmas! 

Christmas in Review {Pedantic Foodie}

I hope you got lots of socks.  Socks are basically my favorite gift.  Socks and glitter and lip balm. This year, I received all three.  Mr. Pedantic tucked a gift box of three EOS Lip Balms in my stocking and I swear I have not stopped smelling/using them.  Forget about the new Wusthof, or the gorgeous ruby ring, I'm just obsessed with my multiplicity of lip care options. 

Christmas in Review {Pedantic Foodie}

After spending all of Christmas Eve day with Mr. Pedantic's family, we ventured over to my parent's home for the evening and spent the night in my "old" room, so we would not miss out on the joy and delight of racing my siblings out to the tree the following morning.  

Christmas in Review {Pedantic Foodie}

Shiny paper was torn, tissue paper flew, and after an hour and a half of thrilling surprises and the happiest of tears, we were readying ourselves for church - all donning the same Christmas Day glow. When church was over and we were back by the tree once again, the family arrived.  

Over the past few days, the board games have been incessant, the laughter boisterous, and the joy overabundant.  My heart had felt nearly as tired as my body over the past few weeks, but family is a magical kind of tonic. 

Christmas in Review {Pedantic Foodie}

There were so many precious, meaningful, story-book-worthy moments this season.  I watched Mr. Pedantic dance with our favorite 3-year-old as she hummed a simple tune that was more captivating than any the radio has offered.  We finally surprised my father - the most notorious of guessers - with his Christmas gift.  Mr. Pedantic read "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to me on Christmas Eve, just before we closed our eyes.  

Christmas in Review {Pedantic Foodie}

But, one of my very favorite moments came the day after Christmas, when my uncle sat down at the piano and freely played renditions of our favorite Christmas songs, which we would hum for him if he could not quite remember the tune.  He does not read music, not a note, but he can match any tune you can hum.  The familiar melodies flowed easily from his fingertips and I sat there on my parent's sofa, completely content and truly thankful for all that lay around me. 

Christmas in Review {Pedantic Foodie}

It is always hard for me to let go of the holidays, and this year is no different.  However, I hope that with each Christmas that passes, my joy is learning to be planted less in the temporal, and more so in thankfulness. Thankfulness for the lasting treasures that I constantly see around me. Thankfulness for my family and my husband.  Those joys are not lost when the Christmas tree is packed away. 

Now, I know you want New Year's recipes so I'll be back soon!  xoxo


Pedantic Foodie

The Weekend

Hey there, welcome to this Monday! 

I had to force myself to type that exclamation point because it made me feel like a bit of a faker. Truth be told, I am fighting exhaustion with all my might today and I can't say that I'm winning. Can I just get an espresso IV, please?  Or how about a nap?  Yeah, that's not going to happen...

The Weekend

I hope you are beginning your week with an extra dose of zip and energy.  I hope you are still high on the joys of the weekend, and bubbly with excitement for the the next seven days that lie ahead. Another bright, warm, and likely humid, August week awaits us, let's live it!  

....But maybe treat yourself to a coffee first so you can actually function.

Thankfully, my Monday morning stupor has by no means stolen away the joy that this past weekend left behind.  It was a good one.  

Friday evening the fiancé and I piled into the car with good friends and empty stomachs, and drove until we reached what we believe to be the home of the best burgers in this country.  They are, in fact, pretty amazing.  Fried pickles and shoestring fries are just a small part of their majesty.  It may not look like much, but this is where your greatest burger dreams come true. 

Saturday was filled with packing up boxes, filled with our newly acquired housewares from last weekend's bridal shower, and toting them out to my parent's garage for temporary storage.  We will be holding the keys to our new home in just three weeks!!!  Which means... I have a lot to do.

We bravely bore the heat of the August afternoon and painted furniture before making a much-needed slurpee run.  Did you too drag obscenely large cups up to your local gas station for Bring Your Own Cup Day?  I had not had a slurpee in ages, (like maybe 4 years?) and the near-instant brain freeze reminded me why.  

I countered the cold sugar with hot wings later that night.  Now I really, really do not like spicy foods... but put a plate of hot wings in front of me and it's gone.  It's totally worth having greasy fingers for the rest of the night.

Does it sound like all I did was eat all weekend?  Well, it's kind of true.  

My very sweet fiancé had surprised me with a bag of fresh cheeses and some locally cured salami flavored with, you guessed it, black truffles!!!!!  And it was not one of those "truffle infused" kind of deals either.  This salami was very generously speckled with tiny flakes of rich, dark truffles.  I think I have mentioned my truffle binge once or twice here recently (ahem... Truffle & Brie Macaroni and Cheese), which is pretty much the most pretentious binge ever, but this salami was the icing on my unmami cake.

Would you hate me if I made truffle popcorn?  I have had it on the brain for weeks now but I feel like that's pushing things to a whole new level of obnoxious.  But I do not know how much longer I can resist...

Happy, happy Monday!  Oh, and get your food processor for the super quick and super delicious frozen yogurt I've got coming to you later this week!


Pedantic Foodie



75 Days...

Yesterday we hit the seventy-five day mark.  It feels like but a few hours ago that we were celebrating the much-anticipated “hundred day milestone.” The days have been long, warm, and deeply meaningful, but they have also passed with uncanny rapidity.  Unfortunately, my to-do list seems to grow rather than shrink, but I am trying to enjoy the process.  There is just so much.  So much beyond the wedding that must be done before that hallowed day. 

However, despite the looming tasks, we took the weekend off from wedding planning and made our way up to the orchard where he proposed nine months ago.  We ate our fill of peach donuts and cider slushies and worked on a peach sorbet recipe together the next day. It was a much-appreciated reprieve. 

75 days... {Pedantic Foodie}

Once again I have been reminded that the even the best made plans cannot save one from eventually reaching the point of exhaustion.  I have woken with a headache nearly every morning for a month now and that is simply because I’ve been incapable of shutting down this brain and getting myself to bed before midnight most nights.  It has become a horrible, irresponsible habit, but I am determined to break it this month.  Of course, I am writing this post at 10:06pm, so you can see how well that is going. 

We have signed a lease.  It’s official.  We have our home and will open the door for the first time September 10th.  That gives me six weeks to paint, and unpack, and make those white walls into a home for us newlyweds to finally move into on October 21st. 

We have found the groomsmen pants…I think.  They are not yet ordered, but I think I finally found the right shade of khaki.  Geez, who knew there were so many?

I have been baking/testing/shooting my hands off in an attempt to be able to give myself the month of October off from blogging.  Well, that side of it anyways.  

My first hair “trial” took place several weeks ago and after two and a half hours we had it just about perfect.

I have been testing the bag full of goodies I got from Sephora at the beginning of last month and have fallen in love with a few new things.  Right now, I am in love with this mascara and this illuminator.  I love the shimmer!  I'm planning to share my entire “wedding day look” once I’ve got it all nailed down and finalized. 

The next item on the agenda is addressing invitations and designing the programs.  I am definitely shoving all the addressing work off on my mother, because her calligraphy skills are far superior to my own. 

Amidst the emails and the phone calls, the fiancé and I have been watching The Great British Baking Show and I love this year’s challenges and competitors even more than last year’s.  And thank goodness for no baked Alaska drama. 

Two and a half months.  Two and a half months.  How?  My heart is very full today.


Pedantic Foodie