
Somehow we are already two weeks into August and I still have so many hamburgers to eat before I can wave farewell to this summer. 

Back when the season was just beginning I declared that this would be the Summer of Pie.  It was a declaration that would take a lot of butter and crust-weaving to fulfill but the conquest was just too tempting to resist.   

Raspberry Apple Hand Pies {Pedantic Foodie}

These Raspberry Apple Hand Pies were an irresistible beginning to the season.  Hand pies are a favorite of mine and these particular pies are extra delightful.  I love the combination of apples and raspberries. 

Rhuberry Pie {Pedantic Foodie}

This Rhuberry Pie was a pleasant surprise.  My low expectations were surpassed and rhubarb has quickly become a much-favored ingredient.  

Muskmelon Salad with Aged Gouda {Pedantic Foodie}

I also got a little obsessed with cheese and melon this summer.  This muskmelon salad with aged gouda is ridiculously addicting.  I love the combination of lime and sweet, ripe melon.  

Watermelon and Romano Salad {Pedantic Foodie}

Watermelon happens to pair wonderfully with a peppery Romano.  This salad is the perfect addition to any picnic.  

Lemon Mint Sherbet {Pedantic Foodie}

This Lemon Mint Sherbet is creamy and refreshing.  This is the time to put our ice cream makers to good use.  

We have a few more weeks of this season and I am trying enjoy every minute of them!  Happy Summer, I hope your week is filled with lemonade and hamburgers.  


   Pedantic Foodie 

Self Better-MINT

I like to make little challenges for myself.  Self betterment always feels good.  The rewards I give myself for completing said challenges also feel good.

Lemon Mint Sherbet {Pedantic Foodie}

Recently I have been trying to learn the art of receiving compliments.  The internet informs me that I am a deflector.  Whatever.  

I read the tips, I tried them, and I am still horrible at receiving compliments.   I did however, give myself an A for effort and sherbet as a reward.  That’s totally allowed. 

Lemon Mint Sherbet {Pedantic Foodie}

Lemon finds its way into most of my cookery this time of year.  The acidic brightness makes me eager for Summer. 

Lemon Mint Sherbet {Pedantic Foodie}


This sherbet is bright and refreshing.  Just what we need after a long session of internet self-help.  The mint complements the lemon, and the lemon - being the perfect darling that she is, does not deflect but welcomes mint with open arms.

Lemon Mint Sherbet {Pedantic Foodie}

Self betterment is exhausting.  Hello sherbet.  



  Pedantic Foodie

Lemon Mint Sherbet  

makes one quart 

  • 1 1/2 cups heavy cream 
  • 1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice 
  • 2 tablespoons lemon zest
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup water 
  • 1/4 cup mint leaves, chopped roughly 
  • 1/4 teaspoon peppermint extract 

In a small saucepan combine sugar and mint leaves.  Use a meddler or fork to smash the mint into the sugar.  (This releases all those fragrant essential oils we want to capture.)  Add water to the sugar and mint mixture and set the saucepan over medium high heat.  Bring to a boil and reduce for five minutes, until the sugar has dissolved and the syrup has thickened.  Remove from heat and allow the syrup to cool in the refrigerator for 2 hours or until chilled.  

In a medium bowl combine lemon juice, heavy cream, lemon zest, and peppermint extract.  Strain the mint leaves from the chilled syrup and stir into the cream mixture.  

Pour the sherbet base into an ice cream machine and prepare according to your manufacturer’s instructions.  
